BAYER COMPANY hoax or fact?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by cashewmilk, May 27, 2016.

  1. So apparently during the Aids epidemic, bayer received plasma from 10,000+ donors to create bayer medicine products. In documents procured by people on the inside, they state that they knew of the risk and disease inside their product, but sold it anyway. In those documents, it also states that the FDA approved the sale and consumption of that product.

    So, if this is true, which all sources I've seen say it is, why has nothing been done about it?
    We get arrested every day still for marijuana, but big companies like that can spread aids and hiv while not so much as getting a slap on the wrist or even a government investigation?

    Beyond this, sources say that bayer sold this overseas to the foreign nations' knowledge. The foreign nations jailed those people while America's Bayer company is still going strong with no intentions of apology or accountability.

    Can someone disprove this, please? I really don't want to accept this disgusting atrocity in our nation. I hope it was a hoax, but I doubt it.

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  2. #2 garrison68, May 27, 2016
    Last edited: May 27, 2016
    I have never heard of this, but the burden of proof is on the believer, which is you. I don't happen to believe that Bayer, with FDA approval, would deliberately infect people with disease, for profit or any other reason, but I can't prove that they didn't.
  3. There is evidence for it. The proof is in the evidence.

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  4. Bayer Sold HIV-Risky Meds

    This is from cbs. But I will add more sources if this becomes a more discussed topic.

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  5. Don't know why you make threads asking opinions, if someone has a different opinion then you, then you freak out and throw fits. It's pretty entertaining though.
  6. I threw a fit? Sounds like you just want to cause problems again, so you can take the advice I gave you from my past thread and excuse yourself.

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  7. Thanks for proving my point. Glad to see you still haven't
  8. #9 cashewmilk, May 28, 2016
    Last edited: May 28, 2016
    I'm glad you get your kicks off harassing people, but unless you have something INTELLIGENT to say on the topic, you are not needed nor wanted here. Thanks

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  9. Also, this thread is not asking for opinions. It is to spark thoughts on how this corporate world is run and has been run.

    I would like someone to disprove this so i can have faith in america again though.

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  10. There are many examples of this "behavior" by corporations. The tobacco industry, car industry, etc, etc...

    No-one gives a shit, the families of the people who suffer are bought off and the story goes away.

    Look at the pharma industry, they have the US addicted to pain killers/sedatives/anti depressants/etc...

    The FDA are a farce.

    Hooked on Pharmaceuticals: Prescription Drug Abuse in America

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  11. There was a settlement in 1997 for 50 million dollars and was never talked about because of a gag order. This is just the tip of the iceberg. A new screen test that would have covered the AIDS virus was rejected in the 80's because it was deemed too expensive to implement nation wide. Meanwhile thousands of people were infected with tainted blood. Reagan had as his advisers some of the worst bigots in the religious community. They all decided AIDS was a curse from God and Reagan never formally addressed the AIDS crisis until the end of his second term. Scientists and Healthcare Professionals begged for funding to research the AIDS virus in the early 80's and Reagan ignored them. One of his top advisers, Jerry Falwell stated that it was God's punishment on gay men and "nature's revenge".

    The shit started at the top and it rolled downhill covering everyone in it. Infected blood was being delivered to hospitals across the nation. They were using a hepatitis screen instead of the new HIV screen and the virus slipped through. So much went wrong with the AIDS crisis and it all started with Reagan. The hero of the GOP.
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  12. #13 killset, May 29, 2016
    Last edited: May 29, 2016
    Hoax or fact with a big question mark behind it. So what are you asking then? Sound like you're asking for opinions but we all know you don't respect others need to ask if you don't want opinions and already know.

    . Believe what cashewmilk believes don't fall for his questions on opinions...or he'll melt down.
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  13. Did they not teach you what a rhetorical question is?
    I am asking for evidence, not opinions. Opinions without evidence don't mean much regarding this topic. So please, since no mods will moderate like i've asked them to, I ask you to kindly speak intelligibly on the topic or leave your input out. Thanks and have a great rest of your evening.

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  14. #15 killset, May 29, 2016
    Last edited: May 29, 2016
    The only evidence of anything you presented was at the time there was no test for aids so there was no way for them to test for it. Guess it's not a hoax, they had no way to know by your evidence . You're other thread you presented no evidence, just your opinion and flipped a lid when all I said was I
  15. There was testing for it. Just too expensive and no one wanted to fund more research into it. I wonder why.

    Also, my last thread has nothing to do with this one, so if you're really still butthurt that I don't support the troops, you can go cry somewhere else. Even though there was tons of evidence you overlooked in the posts after. Honestly, why do you continue? I've asked nicely, but you are so set on to waste both our times. I will not entertain this further. The mods won't do their jobs, but I have the ability to ignore your childish mindset.

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  16. #17 killset, May 29, 2016
    Last edited: May 29, 2016

    Read your evidence bro. Here I am agreeing with you and you're still crying. Shit happens man. Science wasn't as advanced as it is now and it's not as advanced now as it will be 4 decades from now. Look how much medicine has advanced and will keep advancing. 40 years from now people will be looking back saying what we're those dumb ass' thinking. Hell they used to feed people unmentionables thinking they were medicine. Times change thankfully.

    I don't care that you don't support but you sure do that I do and still do. Move on
  17. Thats why I avoid perscription medicines.FDA is on that bullshit, do your research on EVERYTHING you injest, and stop feeding that shit iams to your dog, make your own dog food or buy from a local vetrinarian clinic, google search why. 90% of medicines-reason why it works:unknown
    Its sugar and disease in a bottle. Anything displayed on television, AVOID THAT SHIT.
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  18. Like I said, I would provide more evidence upon popularity of the topic.

    "In April 1984, the National Cancer Institute announced they had found the cause of AIDS, the retrovirus HTLV-III. In a joint conference with the Pasteur Institute they announced that LAV and HTLV-III are identical and the likely cause of AIDS.22 A blood test was ready to screen for the virus with the hope that a vaccine would be developed in 2 years.23 - See more at: History of HIV and AIDS overview | AVERT"
    There are many more govt related sources that show this timeline to be true. But Bayer still went on to sell the meds EVEN AFTER they had realized it was infected and contaminated.
    That's a criminal act that is being taken lightly by the government who allowed its sale and distribution.


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  19. Read all the evidence. Not just the parts that you think fit your argument.

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