Battlefield 4 (want your opinions)

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by FloatinHigh, Jan 26, 2014.

  1. Hey GC, I have bf4 for the ps4 but I have 2 questions I am curious on what you guys think and/or if you can help me out. 1) after watching multiple YouTube videos of bf4 being played on PC I would expect it to be a shitload easier to play on the Pc. Is it or not?2) for any of you that have ps4, is thereAny real legitimate way of inviting people to your game? Or do we have to join a game and hope that the slots are not full -_-Thanks.Sent from my iPhone using Grasscit
  2. As far as I know Dice/EA have no plan to patch in a party system so you just have to hope there's room in lobbies :/ Us Xbox one people have the same problem...
  3. [quote name="Sumo" post="19406455" timestamp="1390695591"]As far as I know Dice/EA have no plan to patch in a party system so you just have to hope there's room in lobbies :/ Us Xbox one people have the same problem...[/quote] damn dude that's such bsSent from my iPhone using Grasscit
  4. Moral of the story BF4
  5. With the Xbox One the easiest way to get into a game with friends is by being in a party together prior to starting the game.. One person enter a game with enough slots and a notice will pop up on the other party members screens asking if they would like to join with their friend. Could be the same on PS4, give it a try!
    As far as the game being easier on PC it totally depends on what you are used to.. If you are good with a keyboard and mouse the PC has the advantage but I myself suck at aiming with a mouse hahah so the controller works better for me
  6. I've heard flying is a lot more difficult on PC than console.
  7. It's not easier per-say... The videos you see are recorded moments of relatively good players sharing their GOOD gameplay. They fuck up just as much as others, but they're not gonna upload every match they play.
    The skill gaps are way bigger on PC than console and obviously if you're relatively new to PC the learning curve is huge. If you're patient and at least have the ability to remember the key placements (which you can modify however you want), then you're already above and beyond the plethora of noobs, but you'll still get absolutely wrecked by the good players and blame hacks. It's not hacks, the good player is just running a high sensitivity and laser beamed your ass with controlled bursts across the map lol.
    That's not to say there aren't hacks in the game... cuz fuck me there sure as hell are and EA/DICE don't seem to give a damn, relying on Punkbuster way too much...
  8. stopped playing bf4 after piece of shit crashing expansion released, no thanks. 
  9. [quote name="Finger My Urethra" post="19413829" timestamp="1390795695"]stopped playing bf4 after piece of shit crashing expansion released, no thanks. [/quote]Yeah I'm just not into it anymore. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
     It's more of a question of are first person shooters easier on a PC or a console for you. On PC I can use my logitech mouse to change sensitivity on the fly for different scenarios, and turning and aiming is much easier and comfortable for me on pc than controller.
  11. I'd like to add that the game doesn't crash anymore, they did fix that. If you have issues today then it's your end and you should figure it out. 
    The netcode, not that I actually know what that means, is still slow as fuck to update so dying being corners and the "shot you first" issue is still... an issue. AA still needs balancing, DMR needs balancing... etc.
    As of now though it is completely playable. Just frustrating sometimes. Most of the time.
  12. [quote name="Mufasaaaa" post="19406455" timestamp="1390695591"]As far as I know Dice/EA have no plan to patch in a party system so you just have to hope there's room in lobbies :/ Us Xbox one people have the same problem...[/quote]If anyone on Xbox One needs a party to play with, I always have at least a couple people on. Add me. Stoned nW
  13. use server browser and pick a game that has room to play with friends
  14. Glad i read this thread. Now that i know you cant party in bf4 i wont waste my money on this epic game i been waiting for for a long time.

    I am extrwmely dissapointed. But not as dissapointed as if i bought it first

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