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Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by vatoloco, May 11, 2002.

  1. I made some images to promote SJ's seedbank if/when he gets it up off the ground.:smoke:

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  2. another

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  3. last one for now...

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  4. These are really nice man! I especially like the 2nd one with the photo-neg aspect!
  5. Glad you like them, I'll make another like that one today.
  6. Awsome work!! :hello:

    The first pic could also double as a site postcard!!! What a cool grow set-up!!!
  7. Yeah...I just wish it was mine! :smoke:

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  8. 5 minutes. i just made this thing. i dont know what its about, i saw someone else made one... i dont know any thing abot grasscity and seeds.. whatever seeds are..
  9. Wow, at first glance the second one is real nice. But they are all really nice! The graphic font on the white one is sharp looking and I scrolled back up to the first one and thats a really great pic! lol, I em all


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