Banks with political ties got bailouts, study shows

Discussion in 'Politics' started by 420420420, Dec 22, 2009.

  1. Who would have thought?!
  2. durrrrrrrr, I was saying this 6 months ago.

    Biggest heist in world history.
  3. it's all a stupid two party game, a corporation invests a lot of money in both a. obama and b. mccain, it doesn't matter who wins at the end of the day, besides who you'd like to see in office. both will still owe you favors, because you funded his campaign for him to be elected.
  4. In other news, water is wet and the sun is hot.

    I mean... come on.
  5. Yes, and the banks with political ties were the ones who were somehow failing. :rolleyes:

    History will not look back kindly upon this society I'm afraid.

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