Ball sweat (yes, real topic)

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Volcano South, Aug 12, 2010.

  1. How do you men combat the issue of ball sweat? For me it's uncomfortable to sleep at night unless I splash my balls with a bit of Gold Bond (it's main active ingredient is menthol which cools and soothes my balls)

    I also shave down there on occasion to lower the heat.

    I've tried wearing briefs but they're uncomfortable.
  2. I have a red panda that blows soothing bamboo/amazon kush breath on mine at night.
  3. head-on apply directly to the forehead... or an icy hot patch for the icy part.
  4. Breath is hot. Like 98.6F. I keep my apartment at 66 at night.
  5. ooh good thread. I personally like to drop trou and stand in front of a fan before bed and before leaving the house.
  6. 66 and your balls still sweat?!
  7. You'll find that hair down there actually wisks away sweat as it absorbs it. Though it may increase the temperature.
  8. he's volcano! what do you expect?
  9. I keep mine cool via women mouth.
  10. Not for me :(
  11. Stop drinking so much water then. Cut the sweat off from the source.:p
  12. baby powder is what i use. especially on those hot days it helps from sticking to your legs, lol
  13. wear some boxer briefs, they cup your balls nicely and absorb the sweat when you sleep, walk outside (especially in jeans) and its good for chafing on hot summer days.

    gotta find some good ones though, loose around the sac part but snug on the leg, that way they dont ride up in your taint and you dont have to do that ridiculous side step to adjust yourself
  14. Gold Bond has menthol in it so it actually makes them feel like they're on ice

    It feels so good. Almost gives me a stiffy :p
  15. I don't like this thread too many ballsack images.
  16. get really thin blankets and sleep in the nude. nothing better then giving the boys a little extra air while ur sleeping.
  17. did you seriously make this thread man?
  18. deadly serious...
  19. Yeah they fucking sweat all the time :\
  20. lmao. this thread is hilarious. ICY HOT PATCH!

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