question. i have another 200 wat cfl and no fixture except this lamp fixture tht says CAUTION: TO REDUCE THE \nRISK OF FIRE - USE 7 WATT OR SMALLER, 120 VOLT, TYPE A LAMP. can i attach the other 40 actual watt \n2800 lumen bulb to this lamp fixture? or no? also if no then can i attatch a 2700k soft white bulb to it, smaller but gets very hott. heres the typea bulbs im talking about \n \tFULL CASE OF NEW 24 FROSTED Incandescent LIGHT BULBS, 75 WATT SYLVANIA \n
Get yourself a couple of these, they clamp on to surfaces and can house pretty much any standard bulb including most CFLs. Incandescent bulbs just won't cut it. I would also recommend something complete like this, or a couple, for the sake of ease. But really the best way to go is an HPS or MH fixture - of course that may not be an option.