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bagseed grow journal

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by veryrarefiji, Mar 28, 2016.

  1. I found a fertilizer at my local nursery. This is my first grow and plants are 1 month old. Is this a good NPK ratio for cannabis in veg?
  2. Your plants don't need nutes at one month old if you've got them in soil that's worth anything at all. Nutes are meant to be given once the plant has had a chance to use up what came in the soil naturally. If you're using an over the counter bagged soil, then they're loaded with slow release fertilizers anyway. Starting nutes too soon will only fry your young plants. Give them a chance to get some size on them and get a good root system developed before you start pouring chemicals in them. The stuff I use is a 20-20-20, an all purpose dissolvable powder called "Jack's." A grower friend out in Southern California recommended it to me as an alternative to all those bottled mixes that are so popular. But basically, if you're using a good soil and understand how to start them off small and pot them up as they grow, the soil will carry the plants way on into the veg cycle without using any nutes at all. I'm kind of anti-adding tons of chemicals to my plants. Right now, your biggest concerns should be making sure the pH of your water is in the correct range (6.3 to 6.5) and that you understand when to water the plants. They don't like constant moisture around their roots and only need to be watered once they've used up at least 80% or more of the water they were given last time. A young plant takes longer to use water than a more mature plant. Also, the size container you have them growing in has a lot to do with how fast they use up the water they're given. Just don't over water. Good watering habits, good soil and pH adjusted water will take care of you for a while in veg. We generally start nutes about 2 or 3 weeks before they go into flower and continue them throughout the flower stage. But the size and density of your buds are directly proportional to how much good light they get during flower. If your plant is reasonably healthy at the light flip, they'll take off during flower and do wonderful things IF you have enough light for what you're flowering off. More light, bigger better buds. Good luck! TWW
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  3. depends on how you grow ^

    I don't grow in soil I use coco and plants need nutrients added 2 weeks after sprout.

    coco is completely inert by itself
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  4. Yeah that will work ok. I like to aim for something of about 2:1:3 as this seems to be a good balance for marijuana, but plants take up what they need and leave what they don't so as long as its not way off it will be fine.

    I also add nutes by one month old for sure
  5. [​IMG] does this look like a symptom of nute burn or overwatering?

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  6. It's overwatered, but could be overdosed too, is that the month old plant?
  7. yes

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  8. yes

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  9. Not trynna b a douche but thats a small plant for being a month old...ive only had a cpl grows but most will ask what type of
  10. I'd say it's probably under lit too then. What light do you have over it?
  11. first grow. had to use what I could find around the house. [​IMG]

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  12. OK there's your problem. Buy some CFLs instead. The energy saving type normal bulbs that you light your home with. Buy the biggest wattage you can and get as many as you can. The biggest wattage in a regular store will probably be about 20-25w.

    That bulb you have is 120w and a total waste of electricity. If you had 4x 25w CFLs positioned around that plant, you will see a significant difference in no time
  13. thanks

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  14. are you talking about something like this? [​IMG]

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  15. Yeah, with lighting I think it's the lumens that count. But yeah those are the right kind of lights
  16. how many bulbs should I have for one plant?

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  17. As many as you can fit without overheating...
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  18. [​IMG] topped plant. Is it odd that it smells like dank already lol?

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  19. is it normal to smell strong already?

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  20. That's the ones, much better.

    As many as you can, just be careful of over heating. 3 bulbs should be enough for now, but even 2 will be better than that other bulb

    I find that's usually a good sign

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