Bad Trips

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by morrowb, Oct 14, 2008.

  1. I'm just wondering how many of you have had a bad trip, and how much you have tripped. Didn't have a bad trip, but when I was tripping on shrooms a few weeks ago, near the end (but still tripping) I started thinking about how bad trips happen, and how I thought it was impossible because I felt so good, and loved it. Sure enough about 30 seconds later I found out how it could go wrong, and started feeling woozy and shit like that and got a really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

    After a minute or something (felt like a fucking year) I realized this is how bad shit happends and just made my mind think about what was happening on tv.

    For the last couple weeks I've thought about what happened a lot and I'm just wondering how often this kinda shit goes on with people.
  2. OMG worst trip ever was on 20 robotussin gel caps (300 mg's of DXM)

    After violently throwing-up in the hallway of my High School, I proceeded to go to class with the worst feeling of impending doom and fear I have ever experienced. I felt like I was an alien in some dude's body.

    It literally was the worst feeling ever.

    Take my advice and don't try DXM. It's bad shit.

    I'd say do shit once for shits and giggles, but no more after you've seen what it's like on the other side.

    Atleast save it for special occasions.
  3. I've had 1 horrible experience with shrooms. I ate a small amount of shrooms on the fourth of july not expecting anything to happen, but oh boy was I wrong. I was full blown tripping, and then all my worrying started. Would my pupils be huge at work the next morning? (5:30 am, it was like 10 p.m. when they started to kick in..), do I call in sick? Who can I go in to work for me? I had a severe anxiety / panic attack.. or something, the shrooms seemed to enhance my current mood x 1000, it was horrible. I ended up calling my girlfriend and she went in to work for me. I felt like utter shit after that. After all that though I do feel like quite the dumbass!
  4. Or just don't trip in school :p. I couldn't even imagine tripping in school....yikes! Sounds to me like instant freakout
  5. Nah bro, not with DXM. It's a social lubricant, kinda like alcohol. Only problem is you don't know when shit is dangerous or you could get in trouble.

    Threwout the whole minute I was puking, I didn't once worry about getting caught, I just wanted this shit out of my body.
  6. Tripping on DXM while at school isn't the smartest thing to do. No offense, but 300 mg's isn't really much at all. Besides the point, this thread is about shrooms/lsd.

    I've never had a bid trip on LSD, always had great experiences. That will probably change someday, but I'm fine with that.
  7. #7 gloppypop, Oct 14, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2008
    DXM is a dissociative drug, which is VERY FAR from a "social lubricant"...
  8. Bad trips make you appreciate life a whole lot more.
  9. Shit, I thought you had taken enough to be tripping. Still though, it takes some balls to do that
  10. Ive had a few salvia trips that scare me to this day, but never done LSD or shrooms yet. Not sure how those bad trips compare, but if its anything close them i might think about even doing them cause they last much longer.
  11. Salvia is SOO much more intense and different then shrooms or acid. Usually just calming yourself down and thinking positive thoughts will bring you out of a bad trip, although the anxiety can be quite unbearable. Really though, it is pretty easy to avoid bad trips by just going with it and embracing the experience. Don't let the thought of a bad trip discourage you from using these wonderful substances.
  12. Ok if i can actually just calm myself down, then id be fine using them. For some odd reason i can NEVER seem to find acid or shrooms around here.
  13. Spaz has never had a bad trip.

    Set and setting my friends. You gotta go with tha flow, ya know?
  14. First time I ever took shrooms, split an eigth with a friend (I'll call him G). Decided to stay inside the whole time (January in northern Vermont), which meant in our dorm. From the very beginning it wasn't going so hot for me (G had a fabulous time). So I called a couple sober friends, they came over and I started to relax and enjoy it. Next thing I know the cops were there. The kids in the room next door to me (I lived in a suite), were smoking and didn't have the fans set up correctly. I told the cops I was sick and sat in a chair in our living room and tried to look small. However, it was G's room that they had been smoking in. So the cops asked to search the room, he was on shrooms so he consented (he also knew he had nothing to hide other than paraphenalia). A close friend of mine was arrested for possession. Cops finally leave. I spend the rest of the trip watching Grandma's Boy. That movie pretty much saved my life.

    and in the end, nothing happened from the cops showing up other than a quarter, a bong, a steamroller, and a small metal pipe being confiscated. charges were dropped befre trial, and the university never pursued any disciplinary actions.
  15. Yeah, kinda dude. I found my self social as shit when i took it. But fuck that shit, stay away from it.
  16. There's no way I could count the number of times I have tripped off of acid and never had a bad trip

    I did shrooms 5 or 6 times and had one bad trip but was completely caused by our environment going from good to really bad in a short period of time.
  17. Ive dexed before and have never had a bad trip on it. Different strokes for different folks.:confused_2:

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