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bad trip

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by pbhaig818, Aug 24, 2008.

  1. decided to roll a blunt today...

    peach optimo without the thin paper on the outside.

    .5 neon goddess

    .2 optimo tobacco

    ive been smoking for 2years and ive had only a couple bad trips. and after smoking this whole blunt to my self in 15minutes i had a really bad trip from the tobacco.
    made me so light headed and nauseas and immobile. for 10minutes i just sat there feelin like shit couldnt move.

    btw. i never smoke tobacco or at least dome it.
  2. yup, that can certainly happen with tobacco and having no physical tolerance.

    I remember when I started smoking pipe tobacco. Getting hit so hard that I felt light headed and dizzy.

    Ease into it. Put only a tiny pinch in your joints if you like the tobacco, eventually you'll build up some tolerance.
  3. Yeah man tobacco will do that to you. Once I smoked a hookah for way too long and felt like complete shit for like 20 minutes.
  4. I think tobacco is the real devil, weed should have been legalized instead of it. Back in the day..when we first made the discoveries..if only we had commercialized the pot instead of cigs..
  5. haha yeah...this would be called Cigcity...

    we'd all be posting up pictures of tobacco we've copped.
  6. why would you put tabacco in your joints? Thats disgusting

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