Bad Times...

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by The_genius, Aug 15, 2008.

  1. Well...i was living at home with my parents...and they found my pipes. I didn't have any bud at the time. They found 5 out of my 7 pipes.

    A spoon, two chillums, my dugout, and my home made bong...

    Well...I moved out. They sorta kicked me out, but whatever, I'm living with my sister, and I'm going clean for a while to get a job and pass a DT. Well, I'm starting to miss my mother herb. It's kinda sad...

    Life blows right now. Seriously...
  2. im under house arrest right now because my parents checked my bank statements and made the assumption I was spending 100-200+ on drugs a week...

    so... Im taking it easy on the smoking but i have a 30g puck of hash upstairs Im saving for when this all blows over

    good luck dude

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