So, I've always been the generous one in my clique; the nice guy. I'm 18 years old and a few months ago I was caught smoking by my (very) anti-pot mother. Now i get tested pretty much weekly; and, obviously can't smoke unless i detox and it's not really worth my parents respect IMO. However, the burden of being smoke free still eats at me and this weekend was a prime example. My dealer got in a shipment of Afghan Goo. I had never heard of it before but according to him it was incredibly dank shit. Knowing i couldnt smoke, I gave a heads up to my friend Joe. The next night im chillin with Joe and another friend at some really lame dance at his school. My friend Joe tells me he wants to try the Goo, just a dime. The trouble is my dealer will only deliver if you buy atleast 25 dollars worth of product. So i chip in money along with my friend to get a 25 piece for the fucker knowing damn well i couldn't hit it (yet very pissed at the idea). The other friend i was with had recently gone all devout christian on our asses but he decided he'd "un-quit" and hit the weed for one last time (like i haven't heard that a dozen times). But hey, fuck it i'll be nice and bite my tongue. I then procede to make a piece, grind the weed (stickiest shit ive ever dealt with), and get everything else together while they lay on the couch and do nothing. After i've done FUCKING EVERYTHING they go outside and hit it. 25 minutes later they come in completely blazed holding a baggy with a good nick or dime left. The fuckers only smoked half the goddamn weed . Apparently after a year of smoking it was the "best shit they've ever had". The next day another friend went to a party and apparently heard about it from them so he got himself a dub. Once again, says its the best shits hes hit. Everyone gets the fucking Afghooie except for the guy who did...everything. Gotta love it
dude i would get it and save it for later. its better to have and not need than to need and not have.
I don't get why you're complaining. They didn't smoke all of it. They can pay you back for however much of your cut they dipped into. Sure, you can't smoke it now, but you can always save it. You were being a nice guy by preparing it for them. The root of this problem stems from your mom, so just educate her.
this is the only time I'll ever say that I want some of that goo. at least you resisted the temptation to do it, that's pretty big.
lol...ive tried many a time. Just like the majority of society, she won't budge on what shes been taught