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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TABOR, Apr 22, 2011.

  1. The bacon are everywhere...keep your heads up:smoke:
  2. my bacon senses are tingling
  3. When cops searched my car, they found my bacon rolling papers (along with everything else). Now, I was on the front of the car in handcuffs, but couldn't help but laugh when I heard them discussing how cool they thought it was.

  4. Bacon......flavored rolling papers? where in the FUCK can i procure some of those?
  5. So i just checked out the juicy jay website. holy shit, so many flavors.

    Bacon, Marshmallow, maple syrup, rootbeer, butterscotch, chocolate, rum, the list of strange shit keeps going!

    Rolling Papers
  6. bacon sounds sooooo gooooood right meow!
  7. and the infamous bacon molecule


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