Hello guys I'm new to the forums. I'm trying to decide whether i should buy a B. Wilson clear disc slide or if I should get the B. Wilson worked slyme one hit bowl disc slide instead. This is for my ZOB bong because I hate the horrible funnel bowl it came with. Any suggestions would help a lot. Also Does anyone know how much the B. Wilson one hit bowl actually holds? Because I think the B. Wilson clear disc is going too be to big of a bowl and I'm worried the one hitter will be too small even with a tightly packed bowl because I'll want atleast 2-3 hits off it even though its a one hitter.
Im gonna post some pictures this is literally exactly the same thing as me, got a zob great piece HORRIBLE HORRIBLE BOWL, I was gonna pick up a B. Wilson Disc Diffused Slyme Slide for it.
I dont know why they put the worst slide ever on this bong. Pretty sure the bowl holds about 30 ounces
I have the clear disc slide, and it's easily the best slide I've ever used. No clue about the one hit bowl though, never tried it.
the disc slide is the best slide ive ever used. cant wait to get another one (had to get rid of last bong cause moving) i am also interested in the bowl but concerned it may be too small witht he price and all. i will say the slide could have an ever so slightly smaller diameter thouh. sometimes it forces you to pack a bowl larger than necessary (wat)
Disc slides are the way to go for me. Disc slides allows all the weed to burn rather then the bottom snapping through. I actually like the leisure slides better from luke wilson haha. But b.wilson are still very quality. if you want some work don't rush it and look at salt or carver b and just save up they're definitely worth the money.
I too, have a clear disc slide (14mm) hooked up with my Illadelph beaker. Its absolutely amazing. I am also going to be getting one of the slyme style one hit bowls for my Sheldon Black, I cant wait for it. If you get one, post some photos. Ill be subbed ;D
I have a Ben Wilson Creature slide disc screen and its awesome. (See profile picture) It holds a pretty good amount you can easily get at least 2 good hits out of it.
I'm actually looking into upgrading the slide on my new bong as well. I was hoping to get a small bowl for personal sessions and a larger one for group sessions. How much would you clear disc slide owners say it can hold? My current bowl holds around .4 which is good for a group of like 2-4 people so you aren't changing it TOO frequently, I'd like whatever my new one is to stay around the same. As far as the slyme style one-hit slides, how many hits can you REALLY get out of them? If it's actually one, is it at least a big hit?
I actually have both of these pieces and it really just comes down to if you will ever pack bowls to pass and take multiple hits. I love both of them equally, the slime one hit slide is great and is my go to when I'm alone but you can only pack snaps and it won't be great if you're with a bunch of people. If you're looking to just buy one, go with the clear one. You can still pack perfect snaps for small rips but you can also pack huge bowls that last almost 10 hits.
I've never weighed an amount and then put it in there (mostly because I rarely smoke full bowls out of bongs) but definitely at least .4, probably more. If you keep it clean you can pretty much pack as much as you fucking want in it, it's impossible to clog it.