Avatar when you're blazed?

Discussion in 'Movies' started by panicandrew, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. I just saw it blazed the other day, it was pretty amazing. The theater I saw it at (in Berlin) had an intermission - a perfect opportunity for me and my friends to go out around the corner and refuel our high with a J. It was a great experience, but my friends and I got stuck in the front row, which was kind of a pain. If I go again I'll plan ahead.
  2. i got really high for this, i remember that the 3-d was amazing, but other than that i have no idea what the movie was about and i fell asleep in the second half, and then woke up for the end, but it's worth seeing
  3. I watched it in 3D when I was very high and I loved it. Hell, as long as it is, it didn't seem that long to me, but I was really getting into it. I wouldn't want to see the movie while I'm not high. Watching it stoned is just too....appropriate.
  4. I went to it baked with my gf and it was amazing, think it would have been good enough without smoking first. And tripping on shrooms with 3d movie would be insane.
  5. ...everything is better when you're high.
  6. like three days after it came out me and my friends smoked a shit load of mids out of my friends new bong and watched, one of the bext experiences ever
  7. I loooved avatar, it reminded me of a futuristic version of pochahontis.
  8. The movie was awesome, saw it after a g of GDP and Sour D between 2 heads.
  9. I got high before I saw it it, I came down a third of the way into the movie. It was awesome, just way better high. I would recommend edibles for sure, or shrooms if you can handle being in public on them.
  10. I saw it doped up to the eye balls. Shit was great, I felt less annoyed at how stereotypical the characters were.
  11. ive seen avatar 3 times. i was ripped on each occasion. fucking. amazing. i cant put it into words. lol.
  12. i still havent... i need to.

  13. Sorry this may be an old post of his but... does that make sense? haha

  14. lol someone had too much to toke.
  15. i got high as hell and saw it in 3-D

    i was amazed lol.

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