Autumn (Fall) is the best blazing season...

Discussion in 'General' started by bond007, Oct 16, 2010.

  1. brb smoking a joint and taking a walk through a scenic park and seeing several different vibrant colors and feeling good man:smoke:
  2. i couldnt disagree more...imo, every season has a special bond with marijuana that can be appreciated separately...each an acquired taste kind of thing....

  3. But the bond is always strongest with a particular season ;)
  4. to me, every season has its own connection...and i my favorite bond was roger moore....:smoke:
  5. Ya know, i kinda agree with the thread title, it happens this time every year, I feel a "change in the atmosphere"... things feel different, like the sunrise looks wierd right now, i guess,

    but i love it. love the feeling i get during the hours of "twilight" before sunrise and just after sunset....
  6. man i dont know about you guys, but now with temps at night being in the 40's* - it makes late night outdoor rendezvous a bit too nippy where it matters.
  7. Kinda cold.. but I agree I fucking :love: fall.

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