oh ok...like one big thread...i thought of that but i felt it would be presumptuous of me...plus id rather NOT do that if thats ok...if admins and mods say "do it", then so be it...
well, at this point i have to ask if you have the authority to request such an action...if so, i have to comply but if you do not have the authority, i guess this issue needs to be taken to the management...
look man, ive been a member for like week and have been posting in the art section in this style for the last week without any authority saying "hey dude, do this do that"... and trust me youre not the only one whose works are carried off as new threads or revitalized threads come in...i had shitloads of my work passed over but i live with it... im not deliberately trying to sound like an asshole but please state your case to the proper admins and mods (if you are not one) and let them judge...if they agree with your argument, like i said, i would obviously have to comply... otherwise, i plan on continuing in the same vein...