Hello Lots of years I was experimented with control of protoperiod. For this year I buy automatic blackout greenhouse "JimmyJungle" for outdoor sea of green. You can control day and night time all time I hope for 3 crops of sezone.Diamether is 150 x 65cm and 75cm of high - ideal for my balcony. I will be inform you about experience with Jimmyjungle Best wishes Espado
I tried to google jimmyjungle and I can't find anything about greenhouses.I'm curious get some pics if ya can.
hello I put 2 pictures to the gallery - outdoor and greenhouse Itś true, that Jimmy web is not function, so I contact his by email: jimyjungle@gmail.com
Wow thats pretty fat.You built this thing?I want one can you give me some sort of print so I can? rep+