autoflower steps

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by oglarryog, Mar 19, 2010.

  1. :smoking:i cant seem to find clear enough info about the autoflower from start to finish if anybodys please help or if u can send me in the right direction:smoking:
  2. um... start seed under 18/6 light... never change the light cycle.... harvest 60-70 days later.
  3. What about nutes don't no if I should go soil or do dwc need more imput and steps
  4. For the 1st 2 weeks, use veg nutes, after that, use flowering nutes.
  5. No, use 24 hours of light, it will flower anyway, use a well rounded mixture of flowering and vegging nutrients, meaning a good NPK value, those three numbers on the bag, of 5-5-3 or 10 30 10, just make sure you have a fair amount of all those elements. You want to flower for 24 hours becuase autoflowers don't need a light cycle, it's a common myth that Cannabis needs a dark cycle anytime before it flowers. But since it will flower anyway just leave it on all the time, it will be better for the plant.

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