Auto flower ?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Hajji28, Feb 6, 2020.

  1. Can I autoflower my clones ? I’m confused on how that works..
  2. Auto flower and photoperiods are 2 different thing. Auto flowers do just that. They flower when THEY are ready. Under 24 hours of light. Photos you HAVE to switch the lights to 12/12.

    you can flower a clone when ever you like really. Depends on what you’re trying to achieve yield wise.
  3. autos are autos... cant do clones from autos and cant make photo flower on 12 plus light
  4. If you want a plant to flower automatically, you have to buy auto-flowering seeds. Plants which go into flower when the light period is changed to 12/12 are photo-period plants.
  5. Auto's can indeed be cloned frostchaser. Sensi Seeds has info on the proper technique.
  6. tryin to conceptualize how one could restart the clock. im sure a snip could survive but i would have to see it flower at a different time to believe it..
  7. Yeah but it’s pretty pointless as the clones are the same age as the mother and will flower at the same time. Doesn’t achieve anything useful.
  8. NO CLONE should flower at a different rate than it's mother......if they are under the same light schedule....they are basically EXACT replicas of each other....
  9. Agreed in all respects...
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