What's up fella's. Just wondering what your thoughts and opinions are on the Short Auto Flowering Seeds They a good smoke and how much do they produce?
They can give you some pretty good smoke, but the quantity just isn't there. You could really consider yourself fortunate to get more than an oz from each plant. Depends on the growing conditions...
in general i think any of the ruderalis strains i think he's referring to. But I also have heard less potent but i have no experience smoking or growing it.
Ok so the autos i'm growing i have been sampling (i know bad haha) And the high i get from them is 10x better and longer lasting than the "dank" kush i get off the street. Most people get an oz or over i'm shotting for 40 gs on my next harvest. I think the high is good but i havn't grown anything else to compare it to yet just street bud
Short story is Autos sacrifice quantity for consistency, Although the autos always flower and flower early, you just don't get as much out of your hard work.