Auto flower help….cola to big?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Fredbear, Jun 24, 2015.

  1. here are some pics is there anything wrong here I feel the leaves are growing together to close is this called fox tailing?


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  2. the plant is about three weeks into flower and is very stinky and sticky it is a auto flower should I just leave it and hope that it swells

  3. It might be the strain, but to me it has the leafy look of bud that I see grown around here in small clearings with limited sun. People in that situation end up with good bud, but it is light and fluffy. If you can give it more light - limbing trees, mylar reflector, moving it over the course of the day - that might help tighten the buds. It looks good overall.
  4. Have you stopped feeding nitrogen? It will cause the leaves to taco like they are. It's looking pretty good and I would just feed it water from here out.
  5. Don't trim the leafs try to tuck them under each other so the buds can get some light.

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