Auto Fast Bud (Sweet Seeds)

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by someonelse, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Is Auto fast bud a decent strain? i`m planning to order from SOS but still thinking, there is another strain called Auto Cheese from Sweet seeds as well, but SOS doesn`t have it (tude and herbies have it) I like SOS freebies better.

    So Auto Fast bud or Auto Cheese?
  2. Just opinion really brother. I would go with cheese just so if anyone asks about smell you can just tell them it's cheese and not be lying ;D
  3. sweet cheese from sweet seeds.I pulled 3 zips on 4 last grow.i have 7 at 2 weeks now.It's a very fast producer 62 days and very good high!!!

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