Attention Whore (YAY!)

Discussion in 'General' started by DiAmOnD RaStA, Jan 5, 2011.

  1. Today is my 24th birthday...

    This is the perfect place for bday wishes! :devious:

    and I mean... NOW :cool:
  2. Happy birthday and I do not hope that you get hit by a bus.
  3. Happy birthday motha fucka
  4. Happy birthday bro!!

    it wawss my birthday last week. i didnt whore it up, maybe i should've?:laughing:
  5. Happy Birthday, muckalucka
  6. Free... People would be shocked if I didnt whore it up today.
  7. :laughing: love the title of your thread :p :laughing:

    :hello: Happy Birthday DR!!! Hope you have an awesome day man! :cool:
  8. Happy birthday, man :)
  9. Your old enough to have a beard now, go go go!
  10. Doin!!! Thanks love, hope you have been good lately :)

    Bout to pack up a birthday bowl of DD, whose got neighbor?
  11. haha happy birthday man

  12. Happy b day man :smoke:
  13. Go out and fuck shit up.
    happy birthday
  14. happy birthday!!!
  15. I'll drink my next drink to you.
  16. No, its whorish. I would sleep with people for attention, not money

    ((Thanks everyone))
  17. I LOVE YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY ;D YOU'RE HANDSOME AND BEAUTIFUL AND INTELLIGENT IN EVERY WAY ;D IF ANYONE SAYS DIFFERENTLY THEY'RE IGNORANT ;D all my shots go to you, not the drunkeness that has resulted from them as I want that for myself but you can have the intentions for fun and joy and all that jazz that came along with taking them ;D
  18. Happy birthday have a blast!
  19. happy birthday hope u have fun
  20. happy birthday d_r

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