ATTENTION: Atheists!!

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by feudalism, Mar 6, 2012.

  1. If God isn't real then why are vampires hurt by the cross?

  2. They don't.
    This was a trait unique to Count Dracula, and as he was such a famous vampire the stereotype has been applied to all vampires. Dracula was a champion of the Christian knights of Transylvania against the Muslim Turks, so when he became a vampire you can see how his new life-style would conflict with his deeply ingrained christian beliefs.
  3. Bring me a vampire.:cool:
  4. Of course their would be a vampire expert on grasscity...
  5. "Check mate, atheists!"

    Edward current, lol.
  6. im not an expert i saw interview with a vampire :)

    interview scene:

    Daniel Molloy: What about crucifixes?
    Louis: Crucifixes?
    Daniel Molloy: Yes, can you look at them?
    Louis: Actually I am quite fond of looking at crucifixes.
    Daniel Molloy: What about the old stake through the heart?
    Louis: Nonsense
  7. Are you being serious?
    Or trolling
    Hopefully trolling
  8. Actually this is a more legit argument than most creationists put out
  9. If god is real why would a vampire exist?
  10. If God is real, how come i can't make water wine? I just want that ONE ability. I'd be fucking rich.
  11. I think it was supposed to be a joke, guys. You know, the whole 'Vampires aren't real' thing?

    Or maybe the above posters are trolling the troll-ee...

    Fuck it.
  12. Crosses only work if the undead was Christian before they died.
  13. hehe, i saw this on reddit a few days ago :D
  14. The whole 'Vampires aren't real' thing?
  15. Vampires are tight. Not twilight kind though.

    The question that I find myself asking is if God didn't exist, why is it that all of this exists? As you can tell by looking at life. Nothing just appears out of thin air.

  16. Chemical reactions and a series of circumstances over trillions of years have brought you where you are. We are simply a universal accident, if you want to put it like that. We as humans value life so much we want to try to explain it, and believe we're here for a reason. Sadly we are not. So be thankful for the reality you've been given, and live you're life to the fullest. You will not go to heaven or hell when you die. Your energy will simply be decomposed and transferred to another form of life. It's sad, but true.
    Not saying I completely believe this, I'd like to believe that universal consciousness somehow ties into it and somehow our energy is a unique phenomena and somehow it transfers into another reality or just reincarnated as another being or something.
    I grew up catholic and truthfully, reincarnation and reality theories seem more believable to me than anything taught in a Christian religion. That book was written thousands of years ago and has been manipulated and rewritten by many bad men so it would say what they wanted it to say. To me, Christianity is a religion used to control people's morals through guilt and fear. They try to instill good ways of life, but in the worst way....
  17. Religion has nothing to do with it. Knowing that God exists, and believing someone else's perspective are two different circumstances.

    Human beings shall never know their purpose. Life is a mystery, and that would ruin it.

    God exists. You may not believe so, but I know he does. lol.

    No arguments here, and I respect your opinion. However, I'm not quite persuaded by the statement that it's all just going to disappear when I die. I've lived a completely different experience that teaches me differently.

    Either way...
  18. When was god created then? Like you said, nothing just appears. And what created what created him? If god is anything, it's the biological energy and synergy between all of us. It's the energy that was released during the big bang that fuels all life on earth. Believing in something just because you think it's there is dangerous. I used to think there was a monster under my bed when I was four, then I realized that was ridiculous, I never saw a monster, heard a monster, or touched the monster, but it was still there. What you believe is what you believe, and I respect that, but have some better shit to back yourself up than " he's there because I know he is lol".

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