Atlantic City Casinos-Texas Hold 'Em tournaments

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by MrPerfect, May 30, 2009.

  1. Hello all thanks for viewing my thread,

    I'm planning a trip to Atlantic City, NJ to play some Texas Hold-Em tournaments. Hopefully, I can win.

    Well I'm looking to just do a $50-$65 buy-in. I've checked the prices of buy-ins and I know that there are tournaments helf for this price amount,

    I plan on taking my trip during the week, most likely be going to play on a Thursday.

    So heres my questions that I hope you guys could answer...
    1. During the week, are these tournaments any good? Do a lot of people play?

    2. During the week, what is the average outcome on one of these tournaments and what would the average winnings be for 1st place or whatever?

    3. Which is the best casino to stay at? I plan on smoking in the hotel room or on the balcony with some friends, is this safe? What would be the best casino/hotel to leave the table and go for a J break?

    Any help and answers are appreciated. Thanks

    BTW, I have this same thread in the ''Sports and Gaming Lounge'', in the 'Poker' sub-forum. So if you guys can respond there or here, either is fine. It just seems no one visits that forum, so I figured I'd put it up here where I can actually get a response.

    Thanks a lot

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