Athens, GA is decriminalizing with Prop 42

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by FenceWalker, Jan 5, 2009.

  1. #1 FenceWalker, Jan 5, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2009
    Posted on another forum, just thought I would help get the word out. :cool:
    So, anybody in GA please consider doing your part and helping these folks fight the good fight. ;)
  2. definitely gotta bump this..spread the word..
  3. Hey im a Student at KSU another college in GA we recently started a NORML chapter here contact us at

    Lets do this
  4. Holy crap, this can't be real :eek:. Ha
  5. Thanks for posting that man!!
    That's a great thing they're trying to do, I hope it makes the news soon.

    But we've got the worst collection of legislators in the country.
    Every letter I write to any of them is met with an absolutely negative reply.

    ..except maybe to Tom Price, whose reply was so ambivalent that I couldn't work out whether he supported legalization or not :rolleyes:
  6. I think that if smokers in Ga work together an communicate using gass city then we definetly can get the ball rolling in the right direction
  7. Then, take your argument to his constituency. Use brief quotes from his written communications to you to make our point in Letters to the Editor. For example, you say,
    "7 grams is less than what a mustard seed weighs, yet (insert legislator's full name here) insists that it is enough to overdose on." Naturally, I greatly exaggerate the example. I don't know how much a gram is. I'm so old, we didn't have to learn that in school. But, you get the point. The newspaper will fax your representative a copy of your letter. He/she will then be mortified at being challenged/proven wrong, in front of 2 million voters (or whatever the size of the paper's circulation). Always be polite and don't make his or her stupidity sound like a personal trait. Just simply and politely make the brief point that he is wrong.

    Also, writing letters to the editor is something even out-of-state residents can do, and they get published. Please consider making a short list of the largest newspapers in your state and posting it around so more people can write.

    Good Luck! and Good Job!!
  8. This is awesome to hear, hopefully it will progress past Athens.
  9. I knew it would start in Athens, this is good stuff.

    I will do my part.


  10. That's great advice, EarthWorm!!
    I'm always looking for new ways to reach the public. I'll give it a try. :D

    If legalization can take hold in Georgia the entire region could be affected.
    The west and northeast have made great progress but we're still waiting for that big breakthrough in the south. GO GA!!! :bongin:
  11. yeah, I think im going to write to the editors of both papers up here;the athens banner, and the student paper, the red and black and maybe raise more attention...
  12. Dude nice I'm at KSU also, didn't know we had a NORML chapter.
  13. its nice to hear some good news :)
  14. I live right by KSU! Im down to help!
  15. bump...every one spread the word if you from the A..
  16. keeep bumping this
  17. Great job guys. I live in Lawranceville and would be happy to do anything I can
  18. wow!! if the deep south is getting on board, this really could be the beginning of a movement. good luck

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