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At what point is weed butter to saturated with thc?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by HERBAVOR420, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. #1 HERBAVOR420, Mar 6, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 6, 2013
    At some point there must be a point where too much plant being added to butter and you are wasting herb. I have seen people add an ounce of of ground herb to a a half pound of butter is that too much? When is it not worth adding more bud?
  2. #2 Glingaaa, Mar 6, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 6, 2013
    Unless you live somewhere where you can diet on marijuana completely, mixing thc with a fat that absorbs thc just seems like a poorly thought idea in the first place. In the case that one would have enough dinero to go mari-vegetarian, though, I would have to answer that no amount of herb is ever too much herb!
  3. As long as you continually exposed the herb to the oils (IE by mixing) there can not be "too much" - You can continue to extract the oils you want out into the butter long past any threshhold you would impose - IOW, your putting so much bud in its getting too expensive per batch that you just stop adding so much.

    Your limit is likely the point where you have so much plant material that it simply soaks up the butter, and you dont have any "free mobile" butter with which to mix and move around.

    If you want to ensure the greatest efficiency possible, think about making hash by extracting the goodies from your plant material, and then using the hash to make cannabutter/cannaoil. Its not that complicated, and makes working with food so much easier.

    Its also likely that you get a better yield, as any solvent will extract much more than what butter alone will do.
  4. Canna Butter Capacity

    And a quote from the above links... probably more than you wanted to know, but better to be complete than lacking I suppose. :p


    \t\t\t\t\tOriginally Posted by bluntfists [​IMG]
    I made some Canna-Coconut oil today and found my self wondering:
    -is there a certain amount of Thc and Cbd's that the butter/oil can hold?
    -What are the typical Rato's?
    my oil is going to be fairly weak, its 4.5 grams of shitweed to 1/4th cup of coconut oil.

    Also im wondering any good dose edibles someone can link me to? something that will work with coconut
    oil, and i'd personly like to be able to get about 1gram doses.. any and all help is very much appretiated! [​IMG]

    Hi there, here are a few links where I've commented on similar topics over the last few days [​IMG]

    Scientific Data on optimal oil-cannabinoids ratio?

    \t\t\t\t\tOriginally Posted by BadKittySmiles [​IMG]
    You won't 'over/supersaturate' when making canna oil, so long as you can squeeze even just a few drops of the
    oil back out. Guaranteed [​IMG]

    You're more likely to leave an amount of potency behind in the herb, but only held inside whatever oil you can't manage
    to squeeze out, than you are to saturate the oil itself with glandular material or potency, especially when working with

    Consider this:

    A good return when making a clean concentrate ('hash oil'/shatter/BHO etc) is only 4 - 8 grams, per oz of bud, depending
    on the quality and potency of the starting material. That's only roughly 4 - 8 ml of material.

    So let's say you use an ounce of flowers, to one pound, or even just a half pound of butter or oil.

    That's 453.59 grams or about 473 ml of butter (226.8 for a half pound), to a maximum of only 8 or so grams (at
    roughly 1ml each, about 8ml) of concentrate!

    That's no where near what you'd need for a hash to oil ratio, in order to risk losing out on bioavailability, or extractive power. [​IMG]

    A common 'rule of thumb' (but still keeping in mind that every solvent/solute scenario does vary) is to use no more solute,
    than you've used solvent. The solute when making canna oil is NOT the herb, but rather the concentrated potency
    it contains!

    When working with concentrates, to make certain my oil is effective I keep to a 1 : 1 ratio or less of concentrate, to oil, erring
    on the side of using more oil or solvent, than I've used hash or solute.
    You can get away with using a hair more, but as it is, even a more diluted 1:2 or 1:3 'concentrate to oil' ratio is really over-
    for most patients, and an oil that concentrated generally requires additional dilution with even more unadulterated
    oil, just to prevent green-outs when filling and taking a single 00 (or smaller) capsule!

    (***The concentrate tutorial in the next topic below will help you achieve the exact dose/ratio you need, if you are
    unable to do so using flowers.)

    Unfortunately you won't find a whole lot in terms of 'scientific data' on the saturation of canna oil, where the federal government
    has prevented most beneficial cannabis research and often inhibits even the release of the data that is found (we ARE
    making progress now, though!), but at least you can put your mind at ease that when working with just flowers and oil, you'll
    never come close to having more glandular material than the oil can work with... particularly if you're using enough oil to
    actually get a decent return upon straining [​IMG] (you'll always have a tiny bit of oil that's impossible to strain from the spent
    herb, however, it CAN be extracted or washed out by using warm alcohol, then evaporating the alcohol to leave behind
    your oil.. fat/oil is slightly more soluble in alcohol, and cannabinoids are MUCH more soluble in alcohol, than water, this
    is why we choose to opt for warm alcohol to reclaim canna oil from the 'waste' herb. It also pulls in fewer bitter plant salts than

    Hope this helps! [​IMG] [​IMG]

    And on edibles you can try.... you can use your oil in just about anything that calls for oil, or even butter in most cases
    (and you can always use a more concentrated coconut oil, in addition to the butter the recipe calls for if needed... I like
    to keep it at 10% of the fat content called for or less when a recipe 'demands' butter)!

    Actually Cooking?

    \t\t\t\t\tOriginally Posted by coldhat [​IMG]
    I was just curious. As a cook myself I always wondered if there was a way you can actually cook with cannabutter?
    I know baking is ideal for it but lets say if I wanna cook a full course meal would it work?

    Of course [​IMG]

    The quality of your oil or butter is the most crucial part when making any edible... get your oil dialed in, and you can use it
    in any recipe calling for oil or butter, brownies or otherwise.

    Coconut oil works best for breaking down cannabis glandular material and promoting bioavailability, and with a
    concentrated oil you can use it in addition to the majority of the oil, butter, or other specific fat source your recipe calls for. [​IMG]

    Just avoid frying, and when possible avoid extended cooking where your oil (or the internal temp of your dish) exceeds 200 f
    for very long, unless you made your canna oil anticipating that kind of degradation potential. For instance a pan of brownies
    usually comes out of the oven at an internal temp of only 170 - 180 f, even after 40 minutes of baking at 350+f, which is why
    they are acceptable for canna oil or butter.

    The concentrate tutorial goes into more detail on how you can use heat and the length of processing, to control the end effect. [​IMG]

    BadKat's Highly Activated & Bioavailable, Med-Grade Canna Oil (starting with flowers/bud/trim etc)

    Med-Grade Canna Oil


    BadKat's Highly Activated & Bioavailable, Med-Grade Cannabis Concentrate (Edible & Smokable recipes included...
    similar to BHO/Phoenix Tears, but bioavailable & made with food grade/drinking alcohol)

    -Medical Grade Cannabis Concentrate-


    BadKat's Highly Activated & Bioavailable, Med-Grade Hash Oil (starting with dry-sift hash, same as capsule
    recipe, oil can also be used for cooking)

    Med-Grade Hash Oil


    [ame=""]Cannabis World Summit & BadKittySmiles - "Sneak-Sneak Preview"! - YouTube[/ame]

    Medical grade oil is easy to make, it produces little to no odor when made properly, and you have plenty of options once it's done.....

    Every dish and plate below has been infused with bioavailable hash oil....


    Hashy Meringue Mushrooms!

    There's nothing fungal, or psychedelic, about these little 'hash oil imbued' fellows... in case anyone was concerned [​IMG]


    Healthy Ghosts, with omega oils, alfalfa, hemp protein, collagen and more!


    Some not-so-healthy, and very decadent, Canna EYEBALLS with Raspberry HASH-Blood Jell! [​IMG]




    Each jar and bottle below, along with a few smaller gift bags with caps and chocolates, were given to the local
    patients most in-need
    and those who had suffered the most hardship this year... enough for most to medicate daily, until
    at least spring! [​IMG]











    These are SUPER EASY... no baking required after making your oil, just blend a few ingredients (page one of the CannaPharm linked above),
    refrigerate, coat with chocolate if you like, and you're done [​IMG]














    'Hello Jello' (dragon/hash-tincture/oil infused, jello dessert treats)..







    Then, you have oil based drinkables...




    And with a tincture, you can expand and 'lighten' your drinkable options... glycerin and alcohol tinctures do require
    more patience than oils, during processing, however.







    (And edible-drinkables [​IMG] )




    CannAmbrosia Fruit Salad made with tincture...







    Even sushi is easy!

    Alcohol and glycerin hash tinctures in the sushi rice (which calls for mirin, a rice wine, sugar and vinegar... some
    sushi rice recipes also call for oil, so hash oil may be used as well), and a touch of alcohol tincture with the water,
    that is used to hydrate the wasabi. [​IMG]




    Anyhow, these are just a few examples... but I think the post is probably quite long enough! [​IMG]

    I'll be going into more detail on a few of the above recipes and tutorials in the book, and during my presentation at this
    year's annual Cannabis World Summit. [​IMG]

    Hope this helps, good luck and have fun! [​IMG] [​IMG]


    (PS - To keep this page from becoming redundant, please delete the above photos if you 'quote' this message
    to reply, for the sake of the members who visit the thread after you... it's happened in the past, two or three
    times on a single page in at least one case, and the results are not good!
    [​IMG] )
  5. ^^ thats awesome and that food looks dank. I was thinking about sieving two ounces of bud for hash then I would take the rest of the left over plant material and run a bho or just stuff the herbs in a crock pot and run a lower grade butter run. Is that a good idea? I am trying to maximize the yield.
  6. It seems many are over compliicating this ... if a simple awareness of how much THC can bond with Fat then simply multiplying grams of fat to get total THC ammount. I've been making medical edibles for over a decade and i know every method has it's benifits but it was expalined to me like this ...

    when making Ghee, you clarify the butter, removing fat sollids (less THC capacity), like taking seats out of a school bus,
    when making coconut oil at 13g saturated fat per tbsp, so in a basic batch of brownies that take 2tbsp or 26g fat and at 50% THC would mean 26 brownies would have 500mg per , right?

    The only 'assumption' would be that supersaturation is reached, then all else is simple math.

  7. If there can be up to 18.6 mg/fl oz then 1tsp has 93mg THC so a batch of Betty crocker fudge brownies using 2tbsp per batch has 558mg/batch ...dosage based on batch subdivision.
  8. The question is, what is the maximum number of mg of thc that can be absorbed into, lets say, a tbsp, or a stick, of butter? This would be the point at which the butter is 100% saturated. Similar to sugar water. There is a point at which water just won't hold any more sugar. So, again, What is the saturation point for thc in butter?
  9. Im not sure there is a set amount. You could put one drop of butter in a gallon of cannabis oil. Or 1/2 drop for twice as strong, lol.

    They're both oils so they blend into a solution.
  10. That's the most definitive answer yet.

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