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At what point do you know you are a pothead...

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by nodestiny, Jul 3, 2003.


When you smoke...

  1. all day, every day!

    0 vote(s)
  2. Get blazed only once a day.

    0 vote(s)
  3. A two or more times a week.

    0 vote(s)
  4. Once a week, maybe only once every two weeks.

    0 vote(s)
  5. If you smoke at all, your a pothead!

    0 vote(s)

  1. :cool: I agree totally.

  3. i think it's once per day, then it escalates from there.. the moment you can't stop thinking about weed and always have some on you is when i'd call someone a pothead.. but then you have your real stoners and those that just happen to have weed..
  4. I think at least in high school, you know your a pot head,when you actually go to school to score... and if you can't you leave. Although this has never actually happened to me{not scoring} I hear it is very distressing!!
  5. owwwieeee!! my eyes!!
  6. I aint no pothead am a TOKSTA':smoke: :cool:

  7. Hah! I know those conversations all too well.
  8. not nearly enough as i'd like to thats for sure!
  9. When I've been clean for 2 months and I still visit this site...
  10. I've been clean for 7....but I think your a pot head when you think about smoking more than sex...

  11. I'm safe then!!

    I toke every waking moment but I think of sex even when I'm sleeping , guess I'm not a stoner or pothead after all,, PHEW!
  12. if ur reading this post, and go ooooo, never realized that, ur probly a pothead
  13. When you grow some of the greatest pot in the world and can't even smoke it cuz the cops stripped you of your rights.
  14. i'm not a pothead, i'm a stoner
  15. it jsut occured to me....

    why the fuck do we care where we draw the line to pin our label on us.

    its just a slag label. an experiment wont blow up if we use it wrong.

    who fuckin cares! u wanna call yourself a pot head, so be it. someone else does? fine. let it be, let it be.
  16. whisper words of wisdonm, let it be, let it be. :smoke:
  17. Just a little anecdote... heh.

    My cousin and I both smoke, but neither of us knew that the other one did until a few years ago. We didn't know just how much the other smoked until one night we decided to toke in my basement. Halfway through the bowl, one of us dropped it and the nug went flying. Without missing a beat, the both of us dropped from our seats and feverishly started looking for it on the floor. On our hands and knees, we slowly looked up at one another and just started BUSTING out laughing.

    We were like, "Damn... you're a pot head, too?! Cool!"

    Anyhoo, that's when it dawned on me that yeah- I am a pothead. And damn proud of it.. fuck the negative connotations.
  18. I don't think of pothead as a negative thing... it's just a slightly different thing to me. Potheads are a little more serious about stuff, and about smoking, whereas to me a stoner is more laid back about pot. Take me and this guy I know. He's always going on about weed, is uptight about smoking it (so much so that he sometimes doesn't enjoy the high), and just generally tweaks out quite a bit. I regard him as a pothead BUT he sometimes doesn't smoke for a couple weeks (although he whines about it lol). Whereas I myself smoke more than him, but if I don't I don't and it's all good. A friend got me a bit stoned with a hash joint or two between about 10 people, so I blazed him myself and another friend with a ten for not even asking if I would "pay" him back. Not sure if that made sense... Basically, if I get stoned it's great and the more people that can join in and enjoy the experience the better. Anyways um... I've rambled. A lot. Basically, to me...
    Stoner= smokes a lot, but it's ok if not.
    Pothead= smokes a lot too, but gets a bit het up if not.

    If any of you read all of the above tish, congrats! Have a medal. Just send me your name, adress and credit-card details and it'll be with you in 1 - 18 months. Joking, of course
  19. you know your a pothead when your day just don't feel right until ya smoke. Either that or your always thinkin about it, which sucks during school cuz it goes by so damn slow. But bud is so fun to think about like when ur chemistry teacher is jabbering about ionic compounds or some shit like that.
  20. I never took any titles such as Pothead or stoner until 8 years down the road but i guess I've always been a pothead because I'm so used to being stoned all day & eating when I have the munchies that I dont even have an appetite unless I smoke 1st.

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