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Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by weedman13021, Jun 10, 2005.

  1. ok im in a bad situation. The thing is i have never smoked weed before and me and my friends were going to try it. The thing is i used to have asthma, it is more sports induced i used to have to take a inhalor but now i dont need it anymore for the past years. Should i smoke any tip son smoking i should do.

    Noob pot smoker
  2. Go ahead and smoke. I know a guy who has pretty bad asthma, and he smokes with me almost everyday. It doesn't hurt him at all. He sneezes a lot, but I don't think that is asthma related. You should be fine though - it might even help you.
  3. Smoking cannabis is beneficial for 80% of the 15 million americans who have asthma. Smoking cannabis also dilates your pathways in your lungs. So yeah go ahead and toke up. :smoke:
  4. Yeah, my best friend used to have bad asthma when he was younger. He doesn't any more and I smoke with him every weekend if work isnt in the way.
  5. Hey,

    I have asthma myself. I don't smoke ciggerettes, but in my experience, cannabis has never affected my ashtma at all. Sometimes it actually helps. But if you're really worried, you could always invest in a vaporizer.

  6. yeah deffinatly man... i have asthma and i still smoke and have never had a problem... oh yeah and welcome to the city... :smoke:
  7. i think that vaporizer thing is a good idea. So let me get this straight it has no smoke ivolved. That would be great thanks.

    P.S. Do u still get a good high from it???
  8. even more so than if you were to simply smoke it
  9. Vaporizers can be costly though.
    I have asthma, take meds every day. Still get symptoms sometimes after a lot of running, but i do play a sport almost all year. I dont smoke ciggarettes, cigars sometimes. Usually the morning after i smoke a cigar i can feel a little tightness in my chest. After smoking marijuana, never. I know it doesnt seem IS SMOKE!...but i have never had asthmatic symptoms after smoking herb. So i say, give it a try and if it makes you feel uncomfortable, stop or try a different method of smoking.
  10. ontop of being costly they are also not easy to hide. just something to think about if there happens to be anyone in your household who might object to marijuana consumption
  11. I have asthma and am a daily smoker. For the most part I'm fine, but I notice a big difference when playing sports.
  12. If you dont want to smoke it just bake up some brownies or something :)
  13. i also have asthma. but here's the deal. THC loosens the bronchial tube. when you have an asthma attack, the brochial tube constricts reducing air flow so even if you do have an attack and you do smoke, the THC will make the attack more manageable. on average, THC will stay in the body for around 30 days. so think of THC as being a sort of time release medication or preventive medication.

    the initial smoke will affect you negatively but smoking does have lasting benefits.
  14. ok.. i dont know if this is a coincidence or in any way a result of my smoking weed... i had asthma all my life until about 15 years was allergy and exercise induced... thats when i started smoking weed... cigarettes would give me an asthma attack but the weed seemed to make no difference... and right around when i started smoking the asthma went away... permanently...
  15. my asthma used to bother me alot too until i started smoking i havent used my inhaler in months just dont take too hard of ripps lol
  16. for me it makes no diffrence, the only things that set off my asthma is running and worst of all, if i sneeze a lot, i have an attack.....................and the only time weed makes me have an attack is when i smell the weed too close and get trichomes up my nose and it tickles and i sneeze..........Peace out.........Sid
  17. Medical Fact

    Marijuana Helps Asthma

    The Claim:
    Its impossible to help someone who is having a asthma attack with marijuana smoke, not to mention helping them breathe easier

    The Facts:
    More than 15 million Americans are affected by asthma. Smoking cannabis (The "raw drug" as the AMA called it) would be beneficial for 80% of them and add 30-60 million person-years in the aggregate of extended life to current asthmatics over presently legal toxic medicines such as the Theophylline prescribed to children.

    "Taking a hit of marijuana has been known to stop a full blown asthma attack." Personal communication with Dr. Donald Tashkin, December 12, 1989 and December 1, 1997. The use of cannabis for asthmatics goes back thousands of years in literature. American doctors of the last century wrote glowing reports in medical papers that asthma sufferers of the world would "bless" Indian hemp (cannabis) all their lives.

    The inhalation of cannabis smoke causes bronchial dilation lasting up to one hour. The bronchodilator effect of orally injested THC lasts up to six hours, but is not so powerful as smoking cannabis. THC aerosols are not as effective as smoking cannabis because aerosolized THC has an irritating effect on the air passages.

    THC in a micoaerosol has proved to be up to 60 percent effective as a bronchodilator, with minimal mental effects and no parasympathetic effects. Other research demonstrates that THC defends against the encroachment of emphysema and suppresses coughing. Cannabis has been used sucessfully in the treatment of whooping cough.

    Today, of the 16 million American asthma sufferers, only those living in California, Arizona and Nevada, with a doctor's recommendation can legally grow and use cannabis medicines, even though it is generally the most effective treatment for asthma.

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