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  1. Whenever I smoke with friends, I notice that I get high quicker than them. The only difference between myself and them that I think could affect this is that I have asthma. Does anyone know if asthma can change how quickly you get high?
  2. If it does, does anyone know why?
  3. You probably just have an inherently lower tollerance than they do.
  4. I don't know if it has anything to do with the asthma, but maybe your tolerance is just low, or not as high as your buddies. It could be that maybe you react differently to getting high too. I know when I get high I get fucking stoned. It's all how you perceive things. Some people get high and they're like "Okay.", then there's people that get high and are like "Fuck yeah, I'm stoned!" :smoking:
  5. #5 Anything surprise me, Jun 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2014
    When I was new to smoking me and my buddy would be amazed at how quick i'd feel the joint we smoked (we was both new) i'd smoke the doober and feel it within seconds unlike him where it would take him a few mins. He does get red eyes worse than me a lot though i hardly get red eyes unless I bong
    I have asthma btw
  6. nah man asthma is going to cause shortness of breath not more intense highs. in fact you could almost say that having asthma and shortness of breath would get you less high because you cant get as much smoke into the system.

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