Asshole friends

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Digu Miki, Oct 14, 2012.

  1. I've had it up to here. I tell ya, some people just don't know how selfish they can be. I have this friend who has been being a mega-bitch to me lately and I've had enough of it.

    She's been having some issues lately, and thats actually when she started changing how she acted towards me. She always says I owe her money (when I don't), she once told me she was gonna kill herself and said she didnt care how it would make me feel. She said it was "a chore to be friends with me" once when she was involving herself in a fight between me and the bf. She doesnt seem to want to hang out unless there are durgs involved, and when I ask her for rides to places she says no most of the time cuz I dont have money to her for gas (when she goes literally anywhere to pick up MY bf and his friends whenever they call...) so i have to bribe her with bud.

    My friends and I planned on going to a big dinner to cheer us all up due to recent events. At first we were all gonna chip in for the friend I'm currently talking about, but after much thinking I decided against it, because I honestly don't think she deserves any money or affection at all from me at this point... But one friend thought I was being rude for not doing so, but I really dont think I did anything wrong.

    I swear, humans nowadays.
  2. Ditch the bitch. You dont need or want that shit in your life, better off with her.
  3. Why are you even friends with her? Put her out.
  4. just walk onn
  5. She might be fucking your boyfriend. Probably want to look into that.
  6. If her boobs are that small, I wouldn't bang her .
  7. She's a hoe and will wake up one day to a shitty life and wonder WTF happened.
  8. Yep sounds like a mega-BITCH to me. Don't waste anymore money or herb on her, kick her to the curb!
  9. she's on SUPER EGO mode. don't hang out people like that. Just leave them alone and one day they'll learn that whatever they did was childish and stupid.
  10. Not worth the time/effort or money to be friends with her, she sounds like nothing but bad news.
  11. what he said
  12. I cannot stand being around people like that. Fuck her off and you'll be much happier OP
  13. Yeah the only problem with me just walking out on her is that I've known her since we were in 7th grade and she didnt always used to be a bitch... Like I've come to accept that she is just a different person that I can't deal with anymore, but I cant say that I dont care because I do. Like the thought of us not being friends anymore makes me sad and angry, but I know I'm thinking of the friend she used to be.
  14. Sounds like she wants your boyfriends D

    I've learned from the hard way that you should never stay friends with someone just because you've known them for a while.
  15. OP, some people you just need to let go doesn't matter if you known them long. She doesn't seem like the same person that you once knew, if she's just giving an attitude problem then just ditch her and find people that are chill and won't act like a douche towards you.
  16. Seriously OP, confront your bf asap, they might be banging.
  17. Just from the topic it's obvious you should drop her as a friend. I don't know anybody who considers assholes to be friends. They're opposite ends of the spectrum.....
  18. Punt her in the cunt
  19. They are bangin, I guarantee it. Drop the bf and the friend and start over.
  20. i thought all girlfriends hated each other and talked shit behind one anothers back and spoke sarcastically to one another and criticized and judged one another.

    so whats the problem? taint this normal?

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