Ask me random questions!

Discussion in 'General' started by Lebowski, May 27, 2006.

  1. To enjoy your stay.
  2. good answer...! :smoking:
  3. If a rooster lays an egg on top of an isosceles triangular roof, which side does the egg roll down?
  4. If you balance atop an iscosceles triangle with a pointed tip and you slip and get hit between the legs. Howfar would you be stabbed throughout the body before you are propped up on the triangle completely stopped?

  5. Depends on the wind.

    Depends on th angle of the triangle.

  6. HAHA roosters dont lay EGGS!!! haha

  7. Youre the one who said he layed an egg :p
  8. these questions must be getting to your head! lol, jk jk

    but reread the question your answered with the quote i quoted.

  9. Yeah I know, I get the joke! :p :hello:
  10. How much wood could awoodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?
  11. What came first, the chicken or the egg?

  12. A woodchuck would chuck so many chunks of chunky wood, that he would choke and bust out nunchucks and chuck the shit out of the chucks of wood.

    And on the 8th day, god needed something to shoot bb's and and he created chicken.
  13. i know its corny, but what color does a smurf turn when choked?

    if you wished for a wallet that had neverending funds, and it came with a debit card....then what is the circumference of jesus's left testicle?
  14. a woodchuck couldn't chuck wouldnt because a woodchuck can't chuck wood, but if i a woodchuck could chuck wood, he'd chuck alot.
  15. can i have what you are on please?

    any questions i had were answered :D

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