-16 -1016 -7682005738209572 seconds old, but by the time your read this itll prolly be 7682005738209658
Fat girls think they're skinny as an excuse to stuff themselves. Skinny girls think they're fat because of the media.
Its possible you would relive the whole alice in wonderland story, and in reality cuddle up in a corner for days and suck your thumb. What? Sry but I dont understand? What do you mean by "one only"? Its like why do men decide to eradicate a plant that god created to grow here? The answer- men are crazy. This is hella fun, keep em coming!
Being evil will do it to you. Ahhh! I've played some sets but never recorded, when I do ill post it for sure!
Well if it sucks, its obviously bad, but if it doesnt suck then its bad too. But if it really does suck then it wouldnt suck, but it would cuz it sucks. So all in all it sucks.
If you fell into a tub full of liquid LSD... well, 5 mL is approx. 100 hits. The only recorded death from LSD overdose was a man who took 300,000 hits. The equivalent would be 150 liters of liquid LSD. That could easily fit in a bath tub. Now, of course you wouldn't drink all of it but it would immediately absorb through your skin. The second you hit the water we can assume you would absorb 10,000 hits of high quality acid. Therefore you would immediately lose consciousness and lay in the bath tub till you absorbed it all. Then, you would die. So... The Answer: Death.