Ask A Ninja (White Ninja Suit) IMPRESSION!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by nitroy2k, Dec 29, 2008.

  1. What author of video said :)

    I came up with the idea to do impressions of the stars of youtube. The first one was going to be Ask A Ninja, Now what happened was we shot the video and I would pull down my mask every like 10 seconds and drink the product clearly showing that it wasn't the real ninja. The Ask A Ninja Company sent a letter telling us not to put it up with a product in the video. So now it looks like I just copied him instead of spoofing him. It was really funny when I would pull down the mask. Anyway, I love the Ask A Ninja guy and think he is brilliant. This is the only video I will ever do like this. Enjoy!!!

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