Asexual Reproduction

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Mogwai, Jun 26, 2012.

  1. Okay, so with how far science has come and how large of a role it can play in reproduction... I am quite sure with the aide of science one could reproduce by asexual means. Meaning using their own sperm and own egg (one of which would need to be crafted artificially of course, but it's possible to do)?

    Would that person be damn near identical to you? Would it be unhealthy for the child in ways similar to incest o_O? Haha I'm fucked up and this idea came to me, so now I want to know.
  2. One day we'll be reproducing asexually. And it'll be illegal for and a woman to fuck.

    Wait, how can they if its all asexual?
  3. Sex feels too good for humans to resort to asexual reproduction as the norm. Sex is still a natural instinct and I doubt it will ever die out. But I do think asexual reproduction will become a normal option so many years down the road.

    Plus if everyone opted for that it could create either a very bland or a very mad world. I don't know which though... if anybody answers the question in OP though I'll have a better idea
  4. Isn't that just cloning?
  5. If you're artificially creating sperm and/or an egg to make up for the absence of such in a person, then you could hypothetically put whatever genes you want in it. But asexual reproduction doesn't rely on a sperm and egg really, but processes like budding or fragmenting. But since we're using a sperm and egg (both naturally produced by one person for sake of argument) it'd probably be a crap shoot as to what the offspring that comes out is like. You got a lot of traits in you, sometimes your offspring will get traits that you have inside you, but were never expressed. Now your bastard child will have all your traits, but could also get ones that are laying dormant.
  6. Just have sex ? Feels better and babiez are made. :smoke:
  7. Why would you want to go back to asexual reproduction?

    That's like so 3bya :p

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