Article about Pat Robertson "decrim. pot", LOL @ comments

Discussion in 'Politics' started by zpyro, Dec 26, 2010.

  1. So I'm reading this article on, which some of you may know is a Glenn Beck site.

    Stick with me here, folks ;)

    Pat Robertson: Let’s Decriminalize Marijuana! | The Blaze

    I expected the comment section to be full of the typical conservative crap that most of us would expect...but seemingly 98% of them agree with Robertson that decriminalizing pot in one form or another is a good thing. :smoke:

    Just thought I'd share that with you guys :D
  2. My, that is pretty cool.

    Hopefully, rational thought and science can win over those most irrational.

  3. Wow, I must be dyslexic.

    I read that as Robert Pattinson and was imaging twitards just agreeing with whatever Pattinson guy says.

    This is MUCH better. That's pretty cool, thanks for sharing.
  4. My Uncle voted for Bush and was your typical Republican until he started watching Beck.

    Now he tells me he supports ending the war on terra and the war on drugs.

    This is why I can't hate on Beck like some people do.
  5. wow...I'm impressed. :hello:
  6. That's awesome. The voice of a powerful religious man like Pat could really help our cause towards legalizing marijuana.

    I mean, he's not saying anything new really but people might actually listen to him rather than a bunch of stoners.

    That's great news though.:hello:
  7. That shit was great. Let's just hope that the right people were paying attention.

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