
Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by Digit, Jan 1, 2005.

  1. What is "Art"?

    is it all truly in the eye of the beholder?

    does art reflect society or does society reflect art? or is it both? or is that question one of the most rediculous questions ever for its narrow scope on the possabilities and potential for what is art.

    art is the by-product of agriculture.

    once our entire lives are no longer bound by the search for nourishment and survival, and we have some spare time on our hands, art is what occurs.

    pin art down to some words and you miss what art is. to back that up, the old saying "a picture contains a thousand words" does well.

    which came first? art or language? :D

    which will be around the longest?

    language has barriers, it is built almost solely on educated accumulated knowledge in order to use it. art is so broad language can exist inside art, and be part of it.

    art is a forrest we are sitting in but cannot see for the trees.
  2. Well... we know that art came before written language, pictures, sculpture were used instead of writting, ie: cave art, pictographs, egyptian hyrogliphics... that sort of thing.
    You do make a good point that pictoral art can express deeper meaning than mere language, yet art means different things to different people. I may not see what you see for the basic fact that we are not the same person, born and shaped by our sepperate personal history and lives.
    I belive that art is nessisary not only to keep me and others sane by providing a channel for built up energy, but that the world would be very dim an dark indeed if it were not for human creativity and artistic inclinations. Yes art is a primal, natural urge.
    Creation is always better than destruction, however more difficult it may be.
    Art is not beauty, art is not certain, art is the freest expression of human creativity and thus will never die (completely).

  3. Why do you say that?
  4. yip art is everthing
    even growing, harvesting,to roll it up , lite it up ,smoke it up,...
    all kind of verbs in the life r art
    for ex. to be a member of gc is a big art too,thats why professional artists r in here ;)
  5. Art castings of bronze (brass) by the recipes of old masters. Tables, chimney sets, clocks, chandeliers, statuettes, and much more. Workshop
  6. According to me, Art is feeling.
  7. What do you call a man hanging on the wall with no arms or legs ?

    ART ..
  8. As a painter/portrait artist myself ive always believed Art came first as hyroglifics and pictures with hand signs were some of the first ways of communicating ever. I believe later in the future as well evolve, humans will resort back to that same form of communications but in a more advanced way without using words or signs, but then again I'm high as hell on some top shelf hydroponic skullfuck, so i could just be rambling either way I applaud you for posting a "Deep Thought" thread, I love these types of posting's.
  10. Good art comes from inside ya.

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