Arizona, I have a small favor to ask....

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Tbone Shuffle, Apr 1, 2017.

  1. Can you please vote out John McCain? Does anyone like this person?

    He is arguably the biggest a-hole in the whole senate. I roll my eyes and wait for who he thinks we should attack every time he speaks. What an obvious corrupt sellout. It's embarrassing to the state that you continue to elect this douche.
    McCain-Linked Nonprofit Received $1 Million From Saudi Arabia
    "The McCain Institute for International Leadership began voluntarily disclosing its donors on its website after an inquiry from USA Today in 2014. Donations are solicited by the institute’s own foundation, as well as the fundraising arm of Arizona State University, the ASU Foundation.

    The website listed dozens of donors, including Chevron Corp., Cisco Systems Inc., FedEx Corp., Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and the nonprofit arms of General Electric Co. and Freeport-McMoRan Inc. It also listed a small donation, of less than $25,000, from the Danish embassy.

    The institute didn’t originally disclose the 2014 donation from the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia. After an inquiry from Bloomberg News, the website was updated to note that the institute received more than $100,000 from the Saudi embassy. Documents filed with the IRS state that the donation totaled $1 million."

    Funds from the McCain Presidential Campaign were also quietly funneled into the McCain Institute’s coffers raising the possibility the Institute exists as a money laundering front.

    The McCain Institute is a huge operation featuring upwards of 80 people including dozens of full time staff and board members including Ashton Kutcher and Lady Lynne Forrester de Rothschild.
  2. Dislike McCain, but Dislike Trump/ Pence more...At least McCain can lie, and be believed for a while..Trump lies and immediately is found out...Pence just has that shit eating grin on his face always..SCUM ALL OF THEM!
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Plenty of Trump threads to jump in. This is about riding the Maverick out of town on his ass. McCain is like electing GW Bush again but worse. It's like he has the whole state in his pocket.

    Don't get me wrong. California's no better. They keep electing the same senile sold out corrupt old lady to represent them. Feinstein is 83 years old. How sharp is she? Nancy Pelosi?

    None of these people are real leaders. They're in it to get themselves rich. How obvious can it be?
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  4. These guys already have enough money to do anything they wish, for them it's about the fame and power. Ego. Trump doesn't really care about massing more wealth for the sake of having money, being president gets him lots of attention constantly and his name and picture will be prominent in America as long as America lasts. School kids 200 years from now will be reading about Trump even if he's the worst president ever.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. He's a big government liberal that joined the Republican party because he loves war so much. You can't sing songs about bombing countries to democrats. I don't know how he's survived the tea party purge of neocons.
  6. I suspect it's the retired population of Arizona that squeaks him in. It's been too long. We need to send him packing.
  7. I presume you are from Arizona? I think its more about that there's virtually no competition for his senate seat, and Anne Kirkpatrick, the Democrat opponent, was just as much of a whackjob who didn't really stand a chance to begin with.

    Not to sound crass, but he's 80 years old, i mean how much longer is he going to be a senator for....

    We really do need term limits for congress. And its a shame that such a law would have to pass through congress.
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  8. Not from Arizona but I did stay at a holiday inn express last night. =) I lived there at one time.

    If he makes it as long as Feinstein that means we have at least another 3 years. Hopefully he doesn't cause WW3 before then.
  9. Thankfully he didn't make it to the white house. We still have to put up with Trump but I think McCain would have been much worse.
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  10. Trump could always escape to Russia and ask for political asylum. McCain can't bother him there.
  11. Not to rain on your meme or anything, but maybe McCain's attitude towards war was shaped a little more by the fact that he's from a military family and was in wars himself.

    I actually started to respect McCain a little more after Trump took that shot at him about being captured. Trump more or less says he doesn't deserve respect because he got captured. This coming from a guy who was the right age for Vietnam but too rich for the draft.

    I definitely don't like McCain but I was like fuck you Trump, you've never been in a war, don't fucking talk.
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  12. McCain gets too much slack from a lot of moderates and Democrats for being well-spoken and pro-amnesty, but he's a war mongering asshole, and the fact that he picked Palin as his running mate shows how lousy his judgment is. I was pulling for Ann Kirkpatrick but she ran a really weak campaign, it was mainly Trump-baiting rather than going after McCain on the issues.

    We got rid of Joe Arpaio though, that's a move in the right direction even though it took practically a century. I'm planning to move to the east coast later this year and won't miss this place at all. Did you ever notice that Arizona ranks as one of the worst states for pretty much everything? The educational system here is especially pathetic.
  13. Arpiao is worse.
  14. I must disagree. While I am not a fan of Trump's dumb ass, he does still have the right to say way he wants about McCain even though he was SMART enough to dodge the draft and keep from dying in some shithole tunnel in that bullshit excuse for a war.
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