Arguing with my conservative mormon friends (funny)

Discussion in 'General' started by Trailblazer420, Jan 14, 2007.

  1. I was playing poker with some conservative friends tonight and somehow got into an argument on marijuana and its legalization. It was me against 3 of them in the argument. I found some of their points very interesting...

    1) Marijuana allegedly drove one of my friend's dad's friend to jump off a building and die,
    2) If marijuana was legalized it would piss off most (90%) of Americans, dramatically lower public opinion and single handedly destroy the United States' economy,
    3) That it will make everyone lazy and no one will invest in the stockmarket,
    4) That by legalizing it we will be giving even more money to "Colombian drug lords,"
    5) One of my friends argued with me when I said "being high and playing videogames is wayy funner than playing it sober," AND he argued that music does not sound better while high. I'd like to note that he's never been drunk OR high in his life...,
    6) Because I'm FOR recycling (worldwide), I'm a hypocrite, because by buying marijuana I am giving money to drug dealers who will in turn kill people, just like how if we don't recycle, people will die,
    7) The obvious religious (mormon) argument that smoking and drinking is immoral because when you should be bored, you instead have fun to fill that boredom. I said, "then why do you play video games instead of being bored?" He said he's also against video games,
    8) Tons of little kids will start smoking weed because they will be told it's harmless,
    9) It will make tons of people stupid because it kills brain cells.

    Also, when I mentioned a difference between state and federal marijuana laws, they told me I was wrong, and that there is ONLY a federal law. I proved them wrong a few moments later by looking it up on wikipedia,, etc...

    So yeah, if any of you are wondering what super conservative religious zealots are thinking, this is some of it (amongst other bullshit I'm sure).
  2. I hate religious people.

    Majorty of them are ignorant fools.

    End of story. I'm sorry you have to deal with them. Plus, they're fucking hypocrites, because according to the Almighty Laws of Christianity, gambling is a sin.
  3. haha, that hurt to read all those points

    goes to show how fucked up the government teaches our people

    and with OUR tax money, sheesh
  4. Yea, the mormons don't play for money. I don't see how anyone who didn't have their entire head shoved about 3 feet up their ass could believe in a religion that was started by a crazy bastard who walked into a forest, found golden tablets, translated them without showing anyone else, buried them again and proclaimed himself to be a prophet of god.

    My friend was always telling me how Joseph Smith (the one who accepted god's level 15 quest to translate the golden tablets and return them to the Elven Kingdom) exactly prophesized the Civil War like 10 or 20 years before it happened. I just looked that up tonight, and apparently it is comparable to one of us prophesizing a war involving Iran and the U.S. within the next 20 years........
  5. Yeah, religion just blinds people from the obvious truths in the world. The ironic thing is, I'm a christian myself but I do not attend church. By the way, that is why I don't hang out with people like that. They're just ignorant and misinformed.
  6. I really despise my friends for their viewpoints; not because they are different, which is OK, but they were talking about how they wanted to go into San Francisco and basically have an anti-gay protest, just because it "needs to be done." But the hard part about just stopping hanging out with them is that we've all been best friends since 3rd grade, but they just recently developed outspoken gay-bashing, white-power mentalities that I just can't handle being around.
  7. haha i like how all their points are the opposite or what would really happen. just for an example, i doubt that drug lords would make more money if weed became a goverment regulated, taxed, and company manufactured product.

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