Arguing with figures - propaganda?

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by passingby, Feb 19, 2010.


    It's basically a list of states in the US with deaths attributing to single drug abuse. The drug is cannabis. You can see a few deaths per state a year, supposedly from related incidents. You also see 2 deaths attributed to overdoses?

    How could someone argue against this if it's laid out like this and it's made look official?

    I thoroughly disbelieve all of the figures, but I have no argument..
  2. Lol. I wouldn't trust them. On their chart it says that there was 1 death in Boston, but they put 1 on overdose and 1 on suicide. So apparently they have no idea what the hell they are doing since they can't do basic math.
  3. Saw that one too before, yeah. How could someone argue with these figures? They're total bullcrap, but they're presented so well, the average joe would have no choice but believe in them.
  4. The DEA website says marijuana weakens your immune system, Ive smoked everyday for the past year and a half and have yet to get sick

  5. :rolleyes:
  6. I'd like to the seem the same statistics with caffiene, alcohol, or tobacco.
  7. haha, except as the fastest growing industry in America behind prison building!

  8. What do you expect, 90% of their cited sources are from the NIDA and NIH, bias origination's if I have ever seen one. They only give out the information the DEA needs to survive or they DEA don't publish it.

  9. :rolleyes:
  10. One aspect of freedom of speech is freedom to lie. We see evidence of this every day on our favorite national "news" networks. How one fights against a lie is anybody's guess. Personally, I simply don't watch/read/listen to the outlets I feel are slanted and deceptive. IMO it is almost impossible to fight an article that quotes sources from recognizable/respected sources. The people that choose to get their information from these sources most likely will not listen to anyone who disagrees with them. 
  11. Well, the paper itself does a good job of at least outlining potential statistical abnormalities, admitting that not all cities conducted toxilogical tests to come to these conclusions, and often "circumstantial evidence" was used instead. (Whatever that was?)
    Anyone with a few working brain cells will immediately ask the question: "So, if someone was blindsided by another car at an intersection in a no-fault scenario, and they had used marijuana during what timeframe, (just what is the timeframe?) then they are immediately added to this list as having pot causing their death?" Where's the info on alcohol being in the mix as well? Hmmm....
    I've seen these stats before and they are complete bunk. "CESAR" is all about training cops and other drug warriors and treatment professionals. Their biggest mistake in all of this is their assumption of "drug abuse." All their work focuses on "drug abuse." By their own "pot death statistics" they show that ANY use is considered abuse and will lead to your DEATH! LOL!
    I saw my metro area had 5 supposed deaths linked to pot. How about alcohol? Yeah....
  12. For what it's worth, this is on the Wikipedia page for DAWN:

    OK, so Wikipedia may not be a "trustworthy" source of information, but I believe it in this case.
  13. I know this thread is old as shit...but 2 different people seriously managed to ingest over 1500 pounds of marijuana in less than 15 minutes?! Now that is an accomplishment!
  14. Is it even possible?

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