argueing with a guy about shrooms

Discussion in 'General' started by crusher101, May 8, 2006.

  1. Lord I am smart, just read all my posts and God will reveal important facts to you.

  2. We all know someone who took too much acid and tripped :)
    A friends brother somehow accidentaly took like 20 liquid hits, the third day he was arrested for climbing on top of a macdonalds and screaming at people :D
  3. I've grown shrooms, studied shrooms, and eaten shrooms. They are and are not a poison. Depends on the definition you go by. Seems like they only fall into def #3 for me. But if you read the def for drug I would have to classify it as one. I've also personally ate a sheet of acid before, and while it is EXTREME to say the least it will not make you trip for days. Most you'll get out of it is a good 24hours and normally 16-18 is pushing it. And I'm talking good stuff too, not some garbage that you need more than one to get off on. And while I am saying they are not poisons I will say they do cause some harmful effects in the long run, and the more you take, the more effects...


    poi·son [póyz’n]
    n (plural poi·sons)
    1. toxic substance: a substance that causes illness, injury, or death if taken into the body or produced within the body
    2. something exercising an insidious influence: something that exercises a powerful destructive or corrupting force, especially in an insidious way
    3. chemistry reaction-inhibiting substance: a substance that inhibits a chemical reaction or diminishes the activity of a catalyst


    drug [drug]
    n (plural drugs)
    1. pharmacology substance given as medicine: a natural or artificial substance that is given to treat, prevent, or diagnose a disease or to lessen pain
    2. drugs illegal substance: an often illegal and sometimes addictive substance that causes changes in behavior and perception and is taken for the effects
    3. pharmacology medical substance: a substance given to treat or prevent illness as defined in the U.S. Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act

  4. I agree with everything, except the acid. If you take enough, you CAN trip for days.
  5. You would have to eat more than what I have then, and I wouldn't want to do that. Or I would have.

  6. Me neither, but i know its possible :eek:
  7. Yeah what I meant by ODing is that it IS possible, but unlikely, as by the time you get to X amount of grams (still lower than the OD level), you'd most likely be vomiting up intenstines (props to whoever the fuck ate 1 oz hahah).
  8. Amen! 1oz of shrooms would be 4x as much as I would ever need. I've ate a 1/4 before that turned me inside out. I don't even remember hardly crap. 2000 new years.

  9. that is intense. i want to do something like that! minus the coyote'd he kill the coyote? haha

    wait wait raw coyote? how sick did he get and howd he get back from arizona haha
  10. It's infact similar to that of a brain fever, so technically you are poisoning yourself. OD'ing on mushrooms... probably pretty hard to do because anyone without experience (or for that matter even with) consuming a hefty amount of mushies (1oz) is almost guaranteed to yuke it at some point. As usually the body just cant handle the amount of Psilocybin... I mean mentally at that point your going to think your OD'ing but after you come down you should be fine.

    It would take a pretty high amount of mushies to really kill a person.

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