Are video games better stoned?

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Nabokov, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. Specifically MMORPG.
    To be more specific, World of Warcraft.

    But yeah, any experience with playing video games would be applicable and information would be appreciated.

  2. Are ____________ better stoned?

    Yes to whatever you decide to put in! :smoking:;)
  3. I used to play wow for a long time. Smoking and then getting into Vent and going on a raid was mad fun. If i didnt have a specific thing to do in the game i found myself just running around, but it was pretty fun. When i would be leveling a new guy i would smoke and just get so into it. Deff try it, its different for everyone.
  4. Zelda is epic sober...but play Twilight Princess stoned and you'll swear you're tripping :smoking::smoking::smoking:
  5. Yes. Without doubt. All video games.

    I dont even enjoy video games when i'm sober. But when I'm high? haha i could play them alllll day long... and do.
  6. ill 2nd that
  7. Haha, thanks everyone.
  8. Naw man. I'm pretty sure WoW is always lame.

    That game is such a trap.
  9. I love video games stoned. Any Zelda game, Fallout, Fable, Halo, Supersmash Bros, Mariokart, Mario Party, WoW, Aeon, DoTa... ect. ect.

    I'm with Sproggs though, heavy storyline games are amazing when blitzed. I used to get terrified in Fallout III by the zombies jumping out at me because I'd play at 4am with all the lights out super high. :laughing:

    I don't think I neccesarily play better while stoned, but I definately have more fun and definately get way more into it.
  10. Is this a real question?
  11. Professional atheletes use steroids as a performance enhancing drug.

    Gamers smoke weed because it's a game enhancing drug. I've never been playing a game while baked and said to myself "man, this sucks I wish I was sober"
  12. #12 Lucien Lachance, Jan 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2010
    Trying to play WoW high would be such a waste of weed. You'd have to burn like three bowls just to stay high for a single raid. Yeah, that's how I wanna spend my high: Waiting.
  13. Regardless of whether you're high or not, you won't have enough DKP for those tier 23 shoulders

  14. These days, WoW is just too boring and easy to play sober. Getting high at least makes the game tolerable, sometimes.
  15. hell yes! everything is better stoned and video games are no exception!
  16. i have a life so i cant comment on how fun WoW is stoned. But i love Valve games stoned (Left for dead (2), TF2, Portal etc), im pretty sure Gabe Newell is a stoner. World of Goo is a lot of fun too, and Audiosurf combines the awesomeness of music, with trippy colors and video games, without being a shitty guitar hero game.
  17. are waffles better with syrup?
  18. thinking the same thing...

    and now all i can think about is mmmm waffles

  19. Why does everyone assume WoW is for uber nerds with no life :rolleyes:

    I play a few hours a day, except on three days out of the week I play for an extra 3-4 hours due to raids.

    I probably only play about 20 hours a week, which isn't too bad. I spend more time on grasscity than I do WoW :p haha.
  20. ^ this! everything is better when you are high as shit.

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