Are these Nutes o.k. to use

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by zoomzoomfan, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. I just ordered fox farm vegging Nutes for my hydro grow It soil soil&fertilizer on the jug.Did they send me the wrong stuff or is this ok it llooks like hydro food it's thick brown liquid like it should be but I want to sure before i use it any help would be appreciated. THANK YOU
  2. There are presumably details of how much you dilute it with water.
  3. yes there is
  4. Fox Farm makes two seperate versions of grow big, and big bloom. Hydro and Soil. Send them back and get the hydro version.

    The n-p-k ratios are doubled for hydro I think... It should say Hydroponic Plant Food on the front label.
  5. is there any way I could make it work i really need it right now
  6. You can try it.
    But soil nutes aren't readily available to the plant like hydro nutes are.
  7. is this better than nothing or is nothing better than this

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