I was hoping they were lady bug eggs but it doesn't look like it after a lot of research. I took the close up with a 60x. It's as clear as I can get it. When I look with my 100x they remind me of orange fish eggs. My ladies look amazing though I am Battling leafhoppers. There are also cucumber beetles and white moths. (I am spraying BT as preventative from caterpillars and just got 2 bug zappers for the moths. I am beginning to see parasitic wasps and what I believe to be a predator fly. Along with quite a few ladybugs. In the meantime, this is the 2nd time I've found this orange cluster. As I was posting, I looked down and saw a dead ladybug on the ground. I probably brought it in from the garden. (I put it on the leaf for ladybug/egg size comparison). Perhaps this is a sign from the Ganga goddess! Lol maybe I should take this leaf/eggs right back outside. Anyways, Anyone know what these eggs really are?
Too small for ladybird eggs or aphid eggs. If you are concerned simply remove the leaf and place it safely elsewhere away from your grow.