Are there no more mods in Pandora's Box

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by roostaphant, Jan 6, 2013.

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  1. I've been seeing threads about all sorts of drugs, with pages and pages of replies, and nothing being done about it.

    Personally, I like this forum, and don't want to see it shut down be because of members' stupidity and the mods not doing their job.

    Unless the rules have changed? I thought it was a big no-no to be talking about drugs other than marijuana.

    So what's the deal?
  2. Yes...talking about other drugs is against the rules...

    Unfortunately, for it's size, GC has too few moderators, so it can sometimes take a bit of time for the mods to deal with something...

    Just report things...they will get taken care of, even if it takes a bit...;)
  3. One of the threads I'm talking about is from 2009..
  4. There are plenty of threads still around from before the rules change (2010 I think)...

    Those are generally left alone as reference threads unless someone bumps them, then they get deleted...
  5. Yeah lately old threads have been being bumped. They didn't delete all those threads until someone bumps them and then they get deleted. It's also kinda a nono to bump old threads with those topics in it
  6. #6 rastaballer209, Jan 11, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2013
    cant the mods designate more mods if there short staffed?i have a few blades that may be pretty good mods:D
  7. I wish mods would just close some of those old threads instead of deleting them. At least the info would still be there.

  8. Stay Tuned, an announcement about that should be coming soon.

    If wishes were horses....

    Sorry, but we're directed to delete them rather than just close them, that comes from on high, nothing we can do about it.
  9. this is curiosity is there a reason to not talk about unmentionables is it some sort of legal thing or just to keep gc pure lol

    theres that site zoklet or watever literally with guides to how to kill and rape and every other terrible thing you can think of

  10. It's strictly because the dude who pays the bills for this site doesn't want discussion of anything except for weed, alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine on his site. Apparently it used to be allowed in Pandora's Box subforum, but people were giving a whole shit load of bad advice that could seriously harm people, and the owner of the site didn't want to deal with any liabilities stemming from the junkies on here giving out shitty info.

    Doesn't matter what there are other sites for.

  11. It's simply the way the site owner wants it...

    People were given guidelines on what could and couldn't be discussed...the guidelines weren't followed, so the whole discussion of other drugs was banned...

    The reasoning being both legal and personal preference...
  12. Why is it such a big deal lol?
  13. Because when little billy boy junior comes along and asks how much of X Y and Z he should take and ends up taking a fatal over dose, who do you think the finger of blame is going to point towards. This is a Marijuana forum based in a place where marijuana is decriminalized,

    Please report rule breaking threads/ posts and we will get to them as soon as possible. More mods will hopefully be added soon to help us out. Until then, please do what you can for the community and don't reply to threads that discuss other drugs and just hit the report button.
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