Are there any organic nutrients that are water souliable?

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by peacehappy, Mar 10, 2013.

  1. I have started my first organic soil grow but still using water souliable chemical fertilizer. Was wondering if they sold organic nutes?
  2. Yes, they are called Kelp Meal, Alfalfa Meal, Fish Meal, Bat Guano, Rock Dust, Humus, etc.....

    You might want to read some of the stickies before inquiring about organic "nutes". They will answer your questions regarding plant nutrition.
  3. There are some brands of "organic nutes" like General Organics, and Earth Juice in bottles at the hydro store.
  4. I believe majority of them use the organic material we put directly into our soil as the base, while adding water and an exorbitant mark up fee.

    GO Bloom is a perfect example; alfalfa meal, kelp meal, rock dust, molasses, fish meal, etc.

    What I meant was, you can easily source the organic matter they put into a bottle for much cheaper as dry material.
  5. #5 mjmama25, Mar 10, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2013
    Your plants might not react that well to switching to organics mid way though the grow. That's not to say organics will hurt your plants. The problem is because you started with chemical nutrients, you haven't been building up your "micro heard" which is the beneficial bacteria/microbial and fungal life in your soil. Those are what break down the organic nutrients and make them available to your plants. Without active soil life, your plants won't really be able to benefit fully from the organic nutrients you want to start feeding them.

    The best solution IMO would be to first find a grow store and buy 1-5 pounds each of kelp and alfalfa, a bag of the best worm castings you can find, and a cheap bottle of molasses from the grocery store. Come home and flush your soil with plain water as you would normally do at the end of the grow with chemical nutrients. This will clear out any chemical salt build ups in the soil and get you ready to start fresh.

    While you flush the soil for a couple days, you can be prepping an ACT tea, which is an areated compost tea. In this case I assume you dont have home made compost to use so I'm suggesting worm castings as an alternative. All you need to do is add some worm castings and a couple spoons of molasses into a 5 gallon bucket of water and put a small air pump into the water to make it bubble. If you can't do that, at least stir the tea as often as you can for a day or two. The more oxygen the tea gets the better.

    Feeding this tea to your plants will help revive the micro life in your soil. Then you will be ready to start feeding organic amendments.

    You can either top dress or make teas with the kelp, alfalfa and worm castings from here on out. Using the worm castings to feed with throughout the grow will help the micro life in your soil continue to build itself up. Good luck.
  6. I'd take some ewc, kelp, alfalfa, guano and rock dust, throw it into a bucket and wet it down til water is just covering the mixture. I like to mix mine again while wet, to make sure it's somewhat homogenous.

    Let this mixture sit for a week, add water when needed to keep it moist, then apply as a topdressing.

    While you're waiting on that to finish cycling, brew up an ACT using Mr. Wilson's contributed information here at GC. You may want to check out his page to learn more, but the sticky is very informative too.

    Microbe Organics
  7. Is there a reason you nutrient cycle before top dressing? I was under the impression that "cooking" was only needed if you were mixing the nutrients into the soil. I've always just top dressed straight, or made a tea then top dressed with the dregs.

  8. Any time I use alfalfa I get worried about the heat it makes when cycling.

    This extra step takes the worry out of it for me, even if there's no reason to be concerned. I'd rather be overly cautious and spend more time working than to simply rush things and end up regretting my actions in the end. :smoking:

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