Are people born homosexual?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Eyes, Nov 7, 2007.

  1. I'm currently sitting next to my friend (Anthony) and we were just having a discussion about the question in the thread title.

    I personally don't have that much of an opinion on it, I'm straight, but I do think that people can realise (Anthony objects to putting decide) that they're gay/bi/going straight or whatever.

    Anthony says (note that this is all typed by him personally):

    I fervently disagree with people who think that it is a personal decision otherwise many people who were gay would choose not to be. Its not exactly an easier life to be a homosexual. There is enormous amount of homophobia throughout schools when you are young and then work when you are older its impossible to get away from and its a hell of alot easier to be straight. So why would you choose to be gay? I think that you can find out later in life that you are actualy gay but really you have been gay all youre life and not know it.

    If you object to any of his views, they're not mine, so don't attack me or give me neg rep if you disagree please.
    What do you guys think about this matter? It's a very touchy subject nowadays.
  2. No, they're not. Everyone is born bisexual (as described in my thread here: ) but throughout their lives their conscience mentality about their sexuality changes. One who is brought up somewhere where being gay is bad will probablly convince themselves they are straight, those who grew up in a loving enviroment that are honest with themselves will realize they are gay or bi. These are just examples. What I mean is that its all just preference and disposition. Theres just a scale from fully straight to fully gay and everyone fits in it somewhere in between.
  3. What if everyone is born nothing?
  4. Well since i am not gay i can't possibly know. However I feel that it is probably a birth thing.

    The everyone is bi thing kind of makes sense though
  5. yea..i believe most everyone is probably bi, no matter how homophobic one appears. i applaud people who follow their hearts despite the closed mindedness of some individuals who seek to haul ass away from the truth of the world. ron white made a pretty funny point about this in his "you can't fix stupid" standup, and believe me, his standup is the last place i expected to find this message. i think the rules said something about sexually explicit posting, so i won't quote him, but anyone who knows what i'm talking about can't even begin to deny it lol.
  6. it's a fetish.
  7. What sex isn't?
  8. You're a little behind on the times.. And a little undereducated in the english language...

    So explain to me how a sexual attraction to the member of the same sex, is a fetish. So if a straight man's penis gets hard when he looks at a naked woman, is that a fetish too?

    Not only that, fetishes are not in any way genetic, whereas, homosexuality can be.
  9. I know a lot of middle aged guys who are married with 3 kids and end up leaving their wife because they finally decide to come out....personally I'm gay because I've never really been interested in a woman before...I think it has to do with how you go through puberty or you are born with it.....otherwise people would choose to not be gay because being gay is definitely not an easy thing to deal with.
  10. I wouldn't choose not to be bisexual, if I had the choice. I mean, a lot of people do make the choice, in a way, by repressing it and trying to lead what they think is a "normal" life.. but that's just unhealthy.
  11. I used to do that but I finally said fuck it, if people don't like me its their problem...and so far there hasn't been too many people who hated me because of it :hello:
  12. i agree with Freud in saying we are all born bisexual. we all lie on a scale from completely inverted (freudian simple terms 'gay') to having no inversion....while one side is obviously a is part of the same scale nonetheless

    purple and red are both colors, both parts of the same thing, but with different energy levels

  13. IceCreamKidd returns?

  14. Well thats why its called pandora's box. I personally believe that being 'gay' is a choice. I am not saying I disagree with gay people or that I have a problem with that lifestyle, I just think that you 'choose' to identify yourself as homosexual. There are plenty of people who have experimented with the opposite sex who don't identify themselves as gay - then there are those who said that they were gay day and later went to live the male/female life. I think it is a fetish because I really dont give a shit whether a person is gay or straight; it is happening in their bedroom and their personal life and none of my business. I dont care about anything that does on if you sex life really whatsoever regardless what deviances those may be. This is my opinion, i'm not debating it, just stating it as such.


    Howdy Shalom Salaam

  15. + 1
  16. I believe that homosexuals can be born with biological tendancies that can make a person more prone to be a homosexual, just like someone can be born to be more prone to be an alcoholic, or violent. A persons enviroment and behaviour also has a great affect on how a person develops in life.
  17. Not me, when i popped out i had a 40 and fine hunny waitin for me :cool:
  18. i believe you are born attracted to the opposite sex. different experiences in life(such as being molested) would cause you to be gay. many gay people were molested during their childhood. just my opinion.
  19. I think either can happen. Some people are definitely born gay, others get jaded by the opposite sex and turn to their own either for comfort or retaliation.

    I really think gay guys are more likely to have been born gay as most men will keep chasing women no matter how many times they've been rejected or hurt. Even if they give up they don't become gay they just visit the porn sites a bit more often.

    Women on the other hand are quite capable of switching teams if things get rough in one. While some gay women definitely were born gay others have just had a guts full of men.
  20. you are definitely born gay/bi. as someone who is bisexual, i know its not a choice.

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