Are My Seeds Legit?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by pblaxx, Apr 2, 2009.

  1. Im totally new at growing and I did not purchase seeds but just used them from when I found them in my weed. Im wondering if my seeds are legit for planting and growing. I have some seeds germinating right now but so far nothing has come out and I planted seeds in some loose dirt (no soil, picked it up today) on Monday and still nothing. I just don't want to be wasting my money and time on nothing right now. Thanks!
  2. as long as the bagseeds looked dark and fully developed then they should germinate

    but saying that you have to remember that seeds are triggered my moisture and temperature so as long as the soil is damp and you keep them warm they should pop

    some strains take longer than others so just be patient
  3. Okay, I have them between damp paper towels in a ziplock which i put em in last night. Ill just see how its going.
  4. paper towel is good - but dont let the tap roots get mouldy - check them as often as you can and just keep the paper slightly damp

    keep them in a warm dark place and they'll pop - as soon as the tap root shows throw them in soil and put them on a windowsill so that they immediately get some natural light when the seedlings pop through the soil

    good luck :smoke:

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