I read that you don't really need to use a MH lamp for veg, that you could just use a horitilux or san agro HPS lamp from start to finish with the same results. Is this true? Should I use a 400w bulb for 3'x3' or can I use a lower wattage? Also, can I get mylar from Home Depot or someplace? I don't want to waste money on shipping.
even easier paint your space with flat white paint I like that better myself its washable and doesn't crinkle and lose its effect and only costs about 6.00 for a small can. Then wash and repaint after each grow. As far as the light 400 watt is excellent for a 3x3= 9 sf good lighting for great yields are about 50 watts per sf and your right there with 44 HPS is good yu can also vegg with floros then hps for flowering