are joints really as bad as 10 cigarettes?

Discussion in 'General' started by addict, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. well i have now seen and been told that 1 joint is more harmfull for you then so many cigarettes (i have seen this number usualy between 5 and 10.

    i dont smoke cigarettes but smoke many joints a day and will be very intrested to see if it will really hurt me in the long run

    i guess theres only one way to find out... keep toking :wave:
  2. no

    don't believe anything the government tells you.

    Well ok, maybe 1% of the shit they say.
  3. I've read it both ways....usually government websites/parents against drug websites will say 1 joint = 5 cigarettes (never read 10), but I tend to believe its the other way around from and places like that.
  4. It's all a conspiracy to keep the black man down!
  5. yea i dont think its as bad a cigarettes but its got to be doing a little damage right?
  6. Supposedly there is 5-7 times more tar and carbon monoxide in a 'joint' than cigarettes but that doesn't necessarily mean that smoking one joint is equivalent to smoking 5-7 cigs. There's over 4,000 chemicals in cigarettes...
  7. That myth came out of a study that showed it produces more tar. Is it more harmful?

    Lets see.

    Cigs - Cancer
    Cannabis - no cancer

    Cigs - death
    Cannabis - no death

  8. well put and makes sence
  9. it IS bad for you, not as bad as cigarettes but still bad bad bad
  10. Its not that bad, in Super High Me the guy didn't do any permanent damage to his lungs after smoking MJ for nearly 20 years :smoking:
  11. if you are concerned about the tar, vaporize then.
  12. ^^^ o im not concerned i could care less what it does to my body i was just wondering pluss vapes are expencive
  13. No. /Thread
  14. dont forget that theres rat poision in cigs
  15. a study was just released that shows THC drastically reduces lung tissue cancer, done by hardvard too. They also found a 20 fold increase in cancer occurence in people who smoke 2 pack a day or more.I think you can decide....
  16. Enough said what others stated above, as well if concerned in joints in the tar, etc. I'd recommend vaporizing.
  17. could be true who are we to say but who smokes 20-40 joints a day everyday i know plently people that do that with cigs.

    the cannabis has ten times more carcinogens is completly misleading but slightly true though. weed has ten times more types of carcinogens not ten times as much cancer shit
  18. If you smoked your filter for every single joint you smoke you'll get some kind of medical issue haha.
    And theres no way it could be 5-10 cigs unless there's 5-10 cigs in the mix hahaha
  19. Never will i believe that smoking 1 joint is as unhealthy as 5-10 cigarettes. Think about it. Cigarettes are death in a box. I am guilty of smoking cigarettes after a few drinks. But, i try to stay green :D

    The second i found out that all of those statistics came from DARE and drug free america whatever I instantly disregarded it. I urge you to do the same :wave:

  20. "No, seriously guys... I've used the internet before. Watch, I'll prove it. I'll go on there right now and find out about that weed you guys were asking me about."

    *"Ok.... lemme just post this question in an appropriate thread... I'm sure if I close my eyes and click on one it'll be the right one..."*

    "See guys? I'm sure there'll be an answer any minute now."


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